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Jason B.
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Update I've created aThis function is available in the packagefunction repository, and uploaded itthe source code is available on on githubgithub. Much thanks to J.M., I've changed a few functions around to make them simpler - but I have kept all the color conversion functions because I like them for clarity, and they don't slow it down compared to the built-in ColorConvert function.

Update I've created a package, and uploaded it on on github. Much thanks to J.M., I've changed a few functions around to make them simpler - but I have kept all the color conversion functions because I like them for clarity, and they don't slow it down compared to the built-in ColorConvert function.

Update This function is available in the function repository, and the source code is available on github. Much thanks to J.M., I've changed a few functions around to make them simpler - but I have kept all the color conversion functions because I like them for clarity, and they don't slow it down compared to the built-in ColorConvert function.

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I've taken the liberty of converting the pseudocode from Moreland's paper into a package. I had to change the numerical valueschange the numerical values of the RGB->XYZ transformation matrix to account for the fact that Mathematica uses different reference white points for the different color spaces.

I've taken the liberty of converting the pseudocode from Moreland's paper into a package. I had to change the numerical values of the RGB->XYZ transformation matrix to account for the fact that Mathematica uses different reference white points for the different color spaces.

I've taken the liberty of converting the pseudocode from Moreland's paper into a package. I had to change the numerical values of the RGB->XYZ transformation matrix to account for the fact that Mathematica uses different reference white points for the different color spaces.

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Jason B.
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I'm not sure what the best way to uploadUpdate I've created a package ispackage, so I will paste the contents belowand uploaded it on on github. I have the following text in a file called "DivergentColorMaps Much thanks to J.m" located in a folder named "DivergentColorMaps"M., located whereI've changed a few functions around to make them simpler - but I keep my packageshave kept all the color conversion functions because I like them for clarity, and they don't slow it down compared to the built-in ColorConvert function.


divergentColorFuncDivergentColorFunc::usage = "divergentColorFunc["DivergentColorFunc[{r1,g1,b1},{r2,b2,g2}] returns a continuously diverging color map which interpolates between two RGB colors.\n
divergentColorFunc[color1DivergentColorFunc[color1, color2] takes two color objecst as input and returns a continuously diverging color map."
cool2warmCoolToWarm::usage = "cool2warm[n]"Cool2Warm[n] gives the cool to warm color map, with n taking values between 0 and 1"
divergentColorSchemeDivergentColorScheme::usage = "divergentColorScheme[scheme]"DivergentColorScheme[scheme] gives a diverging color map which interpolates between the starting and ending colors in a builtin scheme"
divergentMapsDivergentMaps::usage = "A"DivergentMaps is list of four divergent color maps used in . divergentMaps[[1]] is equivalent to cool2warm"Cool2Warm" 


The reference white values and transformation matrix correspond to the 
fact that in Mathematica, the RGB white point uses the D65 standard, 
while the XYZ and LAB color spaces use the D50 white point.  This is 
different than in Moreland's paper or other color conversion websites 

referenceWhite = {96.42, 100.0, 82.49};

transformation = {{0.436075, 0.385065, 0.14308}, 
   {0.222504, 0.716879, 0.0606169},
   {0.0139322, 0.0971045, 0.714173}};
(*Forward Transformations*)

rgb2xyz[r_, g_, b_] := Module[
   {transm, rl, gl, bl},
   {rl, gl, bl} = If[# > .04045,
       ((# + 0.055)/1.055)^2.4,
       #/12.92] & /@ {r, g, b};
   transm = transformation;
   100 transm.{rl, gl, bl}

xyz2lab[xi_, yi_, zi_] := Module[{f, refx, refy, refz, x, y, z},
   {refx, refy, refz} = referenceWhite;
   f = If[((#) > 0.008856),
      (7.787 # + 4/29.)] &;
   {x, y, z} = f /@ ({xi, yi, zi}/{refx, refy, refz});
   {116.0 (y - 4./29), 500.0 (x - y), 200 (y - z)}

lab2msh[l_, a_, b_] := Module[{Sqrt[l^2m += a^2Norm[{l, +a, b^2]b}]}, {m, 
   If[m==0, 0, ArcCos[l/Sqrt[l^2 +m]], a^2Arg[a + b^2]], ArcTan[a,b b]I]};];
rgb2msh[r_, g_, b_] := lab2msh @@ xyz2lab @@ rgb2xyz @@ {r, g, b};

(* Backward Transformations *)

msh2lab[m_, s_, h_] := {m Cos[s], m Sin[s] Cos[h], m Sin[s] Sin[h]};

lab2xyz[l_, a_, b_] := Module[{x, y, z, refx, refy, refz},
   {refx, refy, refz} = referenceWhite;
   y = (l + 16)/116.;
   x = a/500. + y;
   z = y - b/200.;
   {x, y, z} = 
    If[#^3 > 0.008856, #^3, (# - 4./29)/7.787] & /@ {x, y, z};
   {x, y, z} {refx, refy, refz}

xyz2rgb[x_, y_, z_] := Module[{transm, r, g, b},
   transm = Inverse@transformation;
   {r, g, b} = {x, y, z}/100;
   {r, g, b} = transm.{r, g, b};
   If[# > 0.0031308, 1.055 #^(1/2.4) - 0.055, 12.92 #] & /@ {r, g, b}

msh2rgb[m_, s_, h_] := xyz2rgb @@ lab2xyz @@ msh2lab @@ {m, s, h};

adjusthue[msat_, ssat_, hsat_, munsat_] := Module[{hspin},
   If[msat >= munsat,
    hspin = ssat Sqrt[munsat^2 - msat^2]/(msat Sin[ssat]);
    If[hsat > -\[Pi]/3,
     hsat + hspin,
     hsat - hspin
interpolatecolor[{r1_, g1_, b1_}, {r2_, 
interpolatecolor[rgb1_List, b2_}rgb2_List, interp_]interp_?NumericQ] := 
   {m1, s1, h1, m2, s2, h2, interpvar, mmid, smid, hmid},
   (*If points are saturated and distinct, 
   place white in the middle *)
   {m1, s1, h1} = 
    rgb2msh @@ {r1, g1, b1};rgb1;
   {m2, s2, h2} = rgb2msh @@ {r2, g2, b2};rgb2;
   interpvar = interp;
   If[s1 > 0.05 && s2 > 0.05 && Abs[h1 - h2] > Pi/3,
    mmid = Max@{m1, m2, 88.};
    If[interp < 1/2,
     {m2, s2, h2, interpvar} = {mmid, 0, 0, 2 interp};,
     {m1, s1, h1, interpvar} = {mmid, 0, 0, 2 interp - 1};
   (* Adjust hue of unsaturated colors *)
   Which[s1 < 0.05 && s2 > 0.05,
    h1 = adjusthue[m2, s2, h2, m1];,
    s2 < 0.05 && s1 > 0.05,
    h2 = adjusthue[m1, s1, h1, m2];
   {mmid, smid, hmid} = (1 - interpvar) {m1, s1, h1} + 
     interpvar {m2, s2, h2};
   msh2rgb @@ {mmid, smid, hmid}

divergentcolorfunc[rgb1_DivergentColorFunc[rgb1_, rgb2_] := 
  With[{interp = RGBColor @@@@@ Chop @ (interpolatecolor[rgb1, rgb2, #] &;&/@ Range[0,1,.05])},
      Blend[interp, #] & ];

divergentColorFunc[rgb1_List, rgb2_List] := 
  Module[{colorlist, color1, color2},(*If either color is pure black,
   we run into division by zero errors*)
   color1 = 
    If[SameQ[N@rgb1, {0., 0., 0.}], {0.001, 0.001, 0.001}, rgb1];
   color2 = 
    If[SameQ[N@rgb2, {0., 0., 0.}], {0.001, 0.001, 0.001}, rgb2];
   colorlist = 
    interpolatecolor[color1, color2, #] & /@ Range[0, 1, .05];
   Evaluate[Blend[RGBColor @@@ colorlist, #] &]];
divergentColorFunc[col1_DivergentColorFunc[col1_?ColorQ, col2_?ColorQ] := divergentColorFuncDivergentColorFunc @@ List @@@ (ColorConvert[#, RGBColor]&/@ ColorConvert[{col1, col2}, RGBColor]) ;

cool2warmDivergentColorScheme[scheme_String] := divergentColorFunc[{59., 
 76., 192}DivergentColorFunc @@ ColorData[scheme] /255.,@ {180., 4.0, 38.1}/255.];;

divergentColorScheme[scheme_String] := 
  divergentColorFunc @@

CoolToWarm List= @@@DivergentColorFunc[{0.23, ColorData[scheme]0.299, /@0.754}, {0.706, 0.016, 10.150};];

divergentMapsDivergentMaps = 
  divergentColorFunc[#1DivergentColorFunc[#1, #2] & @@@ {{{0.23, 0.299, 0.754}, {0.706, 
      0.016, 0.150}},
    {{0.436, 0.308, 0.631}, {0.759, 0.334, 0.046}}, {{0.085, 0.532, 
      0.201}, {0.436, 0.308, 0.631}}, {{0.217, 0.525, 0.910}, {0.677, 
      0.492, 0.093}}, {{0.085, 0.532, 0.201}, {0.758, 0.214, 0.233}}};

newcolorfunc = divergentColorFunc[DivergentColorFunc[{0, 0, .5}, {.5, 0, 0}]
(* Blend[
   DivergentColorMaps`Private`colorlist$1593, {1}], #1] &0}] *)];
newcolorfunc2 = 
  divergentColorFunc[Darker[XYZColor[1DivergentColorFunc[Darker[XYZColor[1, 0.2, 1]], 
   LUVColor[.16, .5, 1]];
showcolorfunction /@ divergentMaps[[2DivergentMaps[[2 ;;]]
showcolorfunction /@ (divergentColorSchemeDivergentColorScheme /@ {"RoseColors", "AvocadoColors"})

I'm not sure what the best way to upload a package is, so I will paste the contents below. I have the following text in a file called "DivergentColorMaps.m" located in a folder named "DivergentColorMaps", located where I keep my packages,


divergentColorFunc::usage = "divergentColorFunc[{r1,g1,b1},{r2,b2,g2}] returns a continuously diverging color map which interpolates between two RGB colors.\n
divergentColorFunc[color1, color2] takes two color objecst as input and returns a continuously diverging color map."
cool2warm::usage = "cool2warm[n] gives the cool to warm color map, with n taking values between 0 and 1"
divergentColorScheme::usage = "divergentColorScheme[scheme] gives a diverging color map which interpolates between the starting and ending colors in a builtin scheme"
divergentMaps::usage = "A list of four divergent color maps used in . divergentMaps[[1]] is equivalent to cool2warm" 


The reference white values and transformation matrix correspond to the 
fact that in Mathematica, the RGB white point uses the D65 standard, 
while the XYZ and LAB color spaces use the D50 white point.  This is 
different than in Moreland's paper or other color conversion websites 

referenceWhite = {96.42, 100.0, 82.49};

transformation = {{0.436075, 0.385065, 0.14308}, 
   {0.222504, 0.716879, 0.0606169},
   {0.0139322, 0.0971045, 0.714173}};
(*Forward Transformations*)

rgb2xyz[r_, g_, b_] := Module[
   {transm, rl, gl, bl},
   {rl, gl, bl} = If[# > .04045,
       ((# + 0.055)/1.055)^2.4,
       #/12.92] & /@ {r, g, b};
   transm = transformation;
   100 transm.{rl, gl, bl}

xyz2lab[xi_, yi_, zi_] := Module[{f, refx, refy, refz, x, y, z},
   {refx, refy, refz} = referenceWhite;
   f = If[((#) > 0.008856),
      (7.787 # + 4/29.)] &;
   {x, y, z} = f /@ ({xi, yi, zi}/{refx, refy, refz});
   {116.0 (y - 4./29), 500.0 (x - y), 200 (y - z)}

lab2msh[l_, a_, b_] := {Sqrt[l^2 + a^2 + b^2], 
   ArcCos[l/Sqrt[l^2 + a^2 + b^2]], ArcTan[a, b]};
rgb2msh[r_, g_, b_] := lab2msh @@ xyz2lab @@ rgb2xyz @@ {r, g, b};

(* Backward Transformations *)

msh2lab[m_, s_, h_] := {m Cos[s], m Sin[s] Cos[h], m Sin[s] Sin[h]};

lab2xyz[l_, a_, b_] := Module[{x, y, z, refx, refy, refz},
   {refx, refy, refz} = referenceWhite;
   y = (l + 16)/116.;
   x = a/500. + y;
   z = y - b/200.;
   {x, y, z} = 
    If[#^3 > 0.008856, #^3, (# - 4./29)/7.787] & /@ {x, y, z};
   {x, y, z} {refx, refy, refz}

xyz2rgb[x_, y_, z_] := Module[{transm, r, g, b},
   transm = Inverse@transformation;
   {r, g, b} = {x, y, z}/100;
   {r, g, b} = transm.{r, g, b};
   If[# > 0.0031308, 1.055 #^(1/2.4) - 0.055, 12.92 #] & /@ {r, g, b}

msh2rgb[m_, s_, h_] := xyz2rgb @@ lab2xyz @@ msh2lab @@ {m, s, h};

adjusthue[msat_, ssat_, hsat_, munsat_] := Module[{hspin},
   If[msat >= munsat,
    hspin = ssat Sqrt[munsat^2 - msat^2]/(msat Sin[ssat]);
    If[hsat > -\[Pi]/3,
     hsat + hspin,
     hsat - hspin
interpolatecolor[{r1_, g1_, b1_}, {r2_, g2_, b2_}, interp_] := 
   {m1, s1, h1, m2, s2, h2, interpvar, mmid, smid, hmid},
   (*If points are saturated and distinct, 
   place white in the middle *)
   {m1, s1, h1} = 
    rgb2msh @@ {r1, g1, b1};
   {m2, s2, h2} = rgb2msh @@ {r2, g2, b2};
   interpvar = interp;
   If[s1 > 0.05 && s2 > 0.05 && Abs[h1 - h2] > Pi/3,
    mmid = Max@{m1, m2, 88.};
    If[interp < 1/2,
     {m2, s2, h2, interpvar} = {mmid, 0, 0, 2 interp};,
     {m1, s1, h1, interpvar} = {mmid, 0, 0, 2 interp - 1};
   (* Adjust hue of unsaturated colors *)
   Which[s1 < 0.05 && s2 > 0.05,
    h1 = adjusthue[m2, s2, h2, m1];,
    s2 < 0.05 && s1 > 0.05,
    h2 = adjusthue[m1, s1, h1, m2];
   {mmid, smid, hmid} = (1 - interpvar) {m1, s1, h1} + 
     interpvar {m2, s2, h2};
   msh2rgb @@ {mmid, smid, hmid}

divergentcolorfunc[rgb1_, rgb2_] := 
  RGBColor @@ interpolatecolor[rgb1, rgb2, #] &;

divergentColorFunc[rgb1_List, rgb2_List] := 
  Module[{colorlist, color1, color2},(*If either color is pure black,
   we run into division by zero errors*)
   color1 = 
    If[SameQ[N@rgb1, {0., 0., 0.}], {0.001, 0.001, 0.001}, rgb1];
   color2 = 
    If[SameQ[N@rgb2, {0., 0., 0.}], {0.001, 0.001, 0.001}, rgb2];
   colorlist = 
    interpolatecolor[color1, color2, #] & /@ Range[0, 1, .05];
   Evaluate[Blend[RGBColor @@@ colorlist, #] &]];
divergentColorFunc[col1_?ColorQ, col2_?ColorQ] := divergentColorFunc @@ List @@@ (ColorConvert[#, RGBColor]&/@ {col1, col2}) ;

cool2warm = divergentColorFunc[{59., 76., 192}/255., {180., 4., 38.}/255.];

divergentColorScheme[scheme_String] := 
  divergentColorFunc @@ List @@@ ColorData[scheme] /@ {0, 1};
divergentMaps = 
  divergentColorFunc[#1, #2] & @@@ {{{0.23, 0.299, 0.754}, {0.706, 
      0.016, 0.150}},
    {{0.436, 0.308, 0.631}, {0.759, 0.334, 0.046}}, {{0.085, 0.532, 
      0.201}, {0.436, 0.308, 0.631}}, {{0.217, 0.525, 0.910}, {0.677, 
      0.492, 0.093}}, {{0.085, 0.532, 0.201}, {0.758, 0.214, 0.233}}};

newcolorfunc = divergentColorFunc[{0, 0, .5}, {.5, 0, 0}]
(* Blend[
   DivergentColorMaps`Private`colorlist$1593, {1}], #1] &0}] *)
newcolorfunc2 = 
  divergentColorFunc[Darker[XYZColor[1, 0.2, 1]], 
   LUVColor[.16, .5, 1]];
showcolorfunction /@ divergentMaps[[2 ;;]]
showcolorfunction /@ (divergentColorScheme /@ {"RoseColors", "AvocadoColors"})

Update I've created a package, and uploaded it on on github. Much thanks to J.M., I've changed a few functions around to make them simpler - but I have kept all the color conversion functions because I like them for clarity, and they don't slow it down compared to the built-in ColorConvert function.


DivergentColorFunc::usage = "DivergentColorFunc[{r1,g1,b1},{r2,b2,g2}] returns a continuously diverging color map which interpolates between two RGB colors.\n
DivergentColorFunc[color1, color2] takes two color objecst as input and returns a continuously diverging color map."
CoolToWarm::usage = "Cool2Warm[n] gives the cool to warm color map, with n taking values between 0 and 1"
DivergentColorScheme::usage = "DivergentColorScheme[scheme] gives a diverging color map which interpolates between the starting and ending colors in a builtin scheme"
DivergentMaps::usage = "DivergentMaps is list of four divergent color maps used in . divergentMaps[[1]] is equivalent to Cool2Warm" 


The reference white values and transformation matrix correspond to the 
fact that in Mathematica, the RGB white point uses the D65 standard, 
while the XYZ and LAB color spaces use the D50 white point.  This is 
different than in Moreland's paper or other color conversion websites 

referenceWhite = {96.42, 100.0, 82.49};

transformation = {{0.436075, 0.385065, 0.14308}, 
   {0.222504, 0.716879, 0.0606169},
   {0.0139322, 0.0971045, 0.714173}};
(*Forward Transformations*)

rgb2xyz[r_, g_, b_] := Module[
   {transm, rl, gl, bl},
   {rl, gl, bl} = If[# > .04045,
       ((# + 0.055)/1.055)^2.4,
       #/12.92] & /@ {r, g, b};
   transm = transformation;
   100 transm.{rl, gl, bl}

xyz2lab[xi_, yi_, zi_] := Module[{f, refx, refy, refz, x, y, z},
   {refx, refy, refz} = referenceWhite;
   f = If[((#) > 0.008856),
      (7.787 # + 4/29.)] &;
   {x, y, z} = f /@ ({xi, yi, zi}/{refx, refy, refz});
   {116.0 (y - 4./29), 500.0 (x - y), 200 (y - z)}

lab2msh[l_, a_, b_] := Module[{m = Norm[{l, a, b}]}, {m, 
   If[m==0, 0, ArcCos[l/m]], Arg[a + b I]}];
rgb2msh[r_, g_, b_] := lab2msh @@ xyz2lab @@ rgb2xyz @@ {r, g, b};

(* Backward Transformations *)

msh2lab[m_, s_, h_] := {m Cos[s], m Sin[s] Cos[h], m Sin[s] Sin[h]};

lab2xyz[l_, a_, b_] := Module[{x, y, z, refx, refy, refz},
   {refx, refy, refz} = referenceWhite;
   y = (l + 16)/116.;
   x = a/500. + y;
   z = y - b/200.;
   {x, y, z} = 
    If[#^3 > 0.008856, #^3, (# - 4./29)/7.787] & /@ {x, y, z};
   {x, y, z} {refx, refy, refz}

xyz2rgb[x_, y_, z_] := Module[{transm, r, g, b},
   transm = Inverse@transformation;
   {r, g, b} = {x, y, z}/100;
   {r, g, b} = transm.{r, g, b};
   If[# > 0.0031308, 1.055 #^(1/2.4) - 0.055, 12.92 #] & /@ {r, g, b}

msh2rgb[m_, s_, h_] := xyz2rgb @@ lab2xyz @@ msh2lab @@ {m, s, h};

adjusthue[msat_, ssat_, hsat_, munsat_] := Module[{hspin},
   If[msat >= munsat,
    hspin = ssat Sqrt[munsat^2 - msat^2]/(msat Sin[ssat]);
    If[hsat > -\[Pi]/3,
     hsat + hspin,
     hsat - hspin
interpolatecolor[rgb1_List, rgb2_List, interp_?NumericQ] := 
   {m1, s1, h1, m2, s2, h2, interpvar, mmid, smid, hmid},
   (*If points are saturated and distinct, 
   place white in the middle *)
   {m1, s1, h1} = 
    rgb2msh @@ rgb1;
   {m2, s2, h2} = rgb2msh @@ rgb2;
   interpvar = interp;
   If[s1 > 0.05 && s2 > 0.05 && Abs[h1 - h2] > Pi/3,
    mmid = Max@{m1, m2, 88.};
    If[interp < 1/2,
     {m2, s2, h2, interpvar} = {mmid, 0, 0, 2 interp};,
     {m1, s1, h1, interpvar} = {mmid, 0, 0, 2 interp - 1};
   (* Adjust hue of unsaturated colors *)
   Which[s1 < 0.05 && s2 > 0.05,
    h1 = adjusthue[m2, s2, h2, m1];,
    s2 < 0.05 && s1 > 0.05,
    h2 = adjusthue[m1, s1, h1, m2];
   {mmid, smid, hmid} = (1 - interpvar) {m1, s1, h1} + 
     interpvar {m2, s2, h2};
   msh2rgb @@ {mmid, smid, hmid}

DivergentColorFunc[rgb1_, rgb2_] := 
  With[{interp = RGBColor @@@ Chop @ (interpolatecolor[rgb1, rgb2, #] &/@ Range[0,1,.05])},
      Blend[interp, #] & ];

DivergentColorFunc[col1_?ColorQ, col2_?ColorQ] := DivergentColorFunc @@ List @@@ (ColorConvert[{col1, col2}, RGBColor]) ;

DivergentColorScheme[scheme_String] :=  
  DivergentColorFunc @@ ColorData[scheme] /@ {0, 1};

CoolToWarm = DivergentColorFunc[{0.23, 0.299, 0.754}, {0.706, 0.016, 0.150}];

DivergentMaps = 
  DivergentColorFunc[#1, #2] & @@@ {{{0.23, 0.299, 0.754}, {0.706, 
      0.016, 0.150}},
    {{0.436, 0.308, 0.631}, {0.759, 0.334, 0.046}}, {{0.085, 0.532, 
      0.201}, {0.436, 0.308, 0.631}}, {{0.217, 0.525, 0.910}, {0.677, 
      0.492, 0.093}}, {{0.085, 0.532, 0.201}, {0.758, 0.214, 0.233}}};

newcolorfunc = DivergentColorFunc[{0, 0, .5}, {.5, 0, 0}];
newcolorfunc2 = 
  DivergentColorFunc[Darker[XYZColor[1, 0.2, 1]], 
   LUVColor[.16, .5, 1]];
showcolorfunction /@ DivergentMaps[[2 ;;]]
showcolorfunction /@ (DivergentColorScheme /@ {"RoseColors", "AvocadoColors"})
Improved formatting
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Changes to package dealing with the white reference point for the different color spaces.
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Jason B.
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