
I have the following data:

data = 
 {{{1931, 1, 1}, 7.78}, {{1931, 1, 2}, 5.}, {{1931, 1, 3}, "x"}, 
  {{1931, 1, 4}, "x"}, {{1931, 1, 16}, 5.`}, {{1931, 1, 17}, 3.89`}, 
  {{1931, 1, 18}, "x"}, {{1931, 1, 20}, 2.22`}};

I want to replace the "x"-values with the last preceding number:

data //. {a___, b : {_, c_}, {d_, "x"}, e___} :> {a, b, {d, c}, e}

gives the expected result:

{{{1931, 1, 1}, 7.78}, {{1931, 1, 2}, 5.}, {{1931, 1, 3}, 5.}, 
 {{1931,1, 4}, 5.}, {{1931, 1, 16}, 5.}, {{1931, 1, 17}, 3.89}, 
 {{1931, 1, 18}, 3.89}, {{1931, 1, 20}, 2.22}}

but becomes very slow as elements grow: $4.6$ seconds with $10000$ elements and seemingly forever with $25000$. My lists are long ($25000+$ elements) but have very few ($50$ - $100$) "x"-values.

I have no idea how a fast functional solution could look like.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ g[v : {s_List, n_?NumericQ}] := (temp = n; v); g[v : {s_List, "x"}] := {s, temp}; g /@ data $\endgroup$ Oct 29, 2015 at 20:36
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks @ belisarius - your solution is right, short and fast. Would you post it as an answer ? $\endgroup$
    – eldo
    Oct 29, 2015 at 20:50

4 Answers 4


Your data looks like an EventSeries to me. Therefore let's treat it like one.

es = EventSeries[data /. "x" -> Missing[], 
  MissingDataMethod -> {"Interpolation", InterpolationOrder -> 0}]

{{978220800, 7.78}, {978307200, 5.}, {978393600, 5.}, {978480000, 5.}, {979516800, 5.}, 
 {979603200, 3.89}, {979689600, 3.89}, {979862400, 2.22}}


es["DatePath"] // Normal
{{{1931, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.}, 7.78}, {{1931, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0.}, 5.}, 
 {{1931, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.}, 5.}, {{1931, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0.}, 5.}, 
 {{1931, 1, 16, 0, 0, 0.}, 5.}, {{1931, 1, 17, 0, 0, 0.}, 3.89}, 
 {{1931, 1, 18, 0, 0, 0.}, 3.89}, {{1931, 1, 20, 0, 0, 0.}, 2.22}}

AbsoluteTimings for a list with 15492 entries, 37 % containing "x":

  • ReplaceRepeated: 7326.01
  • Map data: 0.0268449
  • Map data[[All, 2]]: 0.0175813
  • Scan: 0.0581277
  • FoldList: 0.123955
  • EventSeries: 0.727509

Creating the EventSeries object costs some extra time, but it is potentially advantageous for the subsequent processing.

  • $\begingroup$ Yes indeed, dates with (missing) values. A very interesting solution with some options to play with. Thank you :) $\endgroup$
    – eldo
    Oct 29, 2015 at 22:19

Without patterns:

g[v : {s_List, n_?NumericQ}] := (temp = n; v); 
g[v : {s_List, "x"}] := {s, temp}; 

g /@ data

{{{1931, 1, 1}, 7.78}, {{1931, 1, 2}, 5.}, {{1931, 1, 3}, 5.}, {{1931, 1, 4}, 5.}, {{1931, 1, 16}, 5.}, {{1931, 1, 17}, 3.89}, {{1931, 1, 18}, 3.89}, {{1931, 1, 20}, 2.22}}

Or even faster:

data[[All, 2]] = Block[{temp, g},
   g[n_?NumericQ] := temp = n;
   g["x"] := temp; g /@ data[[All, 2]]];
  • $\begingroup$ It's even faster, if you only Map over the second column: data[[All, 2]] = Block[{temp, g}, g[n_?NumericQ] := temp = n; g["x"] := temp; g /@ data[[All, 2]]]; $\endgroup$
    – Karsten7
    Oct 30, 2015 at 17:49
  • $\begingroup$ @Karsten7. Thanks! I made that yesterday but haven't have the time to check the performance. Feel free to edit the answer! $\endgroup$ Oct 30, 2015 at 17:57
  • $\begingroup$ +1. Great Answer, Is there any reason you choose Block not Module? $\endgroup$ Oct 30, 2015 at 19:44
  • $\begingroup$ @Algohi In general using Block is faster, that's the only reason. $\endgroup$
    – Karsten7
    Oct 30, 2015 at 20:12

This should do what you want:

Rest @ FoldList[
  Replace[{##}, {{{_, c_}, {d_, "x"}} :> {d, c}, {_, arg_} :> arg}]&,

while being functional and hopefully fast enough.

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks, much to learn for me from your answer :) $\endgroup$
    – eldo
    Oct 29, 2015 at 22:23

Using Position and Scan a fast solution is possible.

Proof of concept

First a short synthetic data set for proof of concept.

dataN = {{1931, RandomInteger[{1, 12}], RandomInteger[{1, 30}]}, 
          RandomReal[{1., 10.}]} & /@ Range[2];

dataX = {{1931, RandomInteger[{1, 12}], RandomInteger[{1, 30}]}, 
         "x"} & /@ Range[2];

data = Riffle[dataN, dataX]

{{{1931, 12, 13}, 3.89908}, {{1931, 3, 28}, "x"}, 
{{1931, 8, 6}, 2.41899}, {{1931, 7, 2}, "x"}}

Very simply we get the position of elements that contain the string "x" and then replace them, using Scan, with the numerical value preceding it in the same position.

Since we start at the beginning repeated elements with "x" will have the same preceding value.

 (data[[Sequence @@ #]] = data[[#[[1]] - 1, #[[2]]]]) &,
 Position[data, "x"]


{{{1931, 5, 1}, 4.47596}, {{1931, 1, 15}, 4.47596},
 {{1931, 5, 13}, 8.81877}, {{1931, 5, 6}, 8.81877}}


Now we make a large (25000) length dataset.

dataN = {{1931, RandomInteger[{1, 12}], RandomInteger[{1, 30}]}, 
     RandomReal[{1., 10.}]} & /@ Range[12500];

dataX = {{1931, RandomInteger[{1, 12}], RandomInteger[{1, 30}]}, 
     "x"} & /@ Range[12500];

data = Riffle[dataN, dataX];

Run and time the Scan and check the results.

  (data[[Sequence @@ #]] = data[[#[[1]] - 1, #[[2]]]]) &,
  Position[data, "x"]
  ] // Timing

{0.171601, Null}

With this test data every other component had an "x". Check the first four:

data[[1 ;; 4]]

{{{1931, 8, 27}, 9.75179}, {{1931, 2, 17}, 9.75179},
 {{1931, 8, 5}, 1.3279}, {{1931, 6, 8}, 1.3279}}

Leonid's approach took 0.218 seconds.

Belisarius's approach was the fastest: 0.0468 seconds.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ You don't need the Scan[ ] part. Like this(data[[#, 2]] = data[[# - 1, 2]]) & /@ (Position[data, "x"][[All, 1]]) $\endgroup$ Oct 29, 2015 at 23:45
  • $\begingroup$ @belisariusisforth Scan works slightly faster on my system than Map. My perception is that Scan should be used when you are only producing side effects. Reformulating (data[[Sequence @@ #]] = data[[#[[1]] - 1, #[[2]]]]) &, Position[data, "x"] to (data[[#, 2]] = data[[# - 1, 2]]) &, Position[data, "x"][[All, 1]]] provides a speed up. $\endgroup$ Oct 30, 2015 at 13:53
  • $\begingroup$ Seems you're right :) $\endgroup$ Oct 30, 2015 at 14:00

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