
I want to plot the definite integral of the following function

    Integrand[p_, Q2_, ν_, θ_] := p^2/(M^2 (M - 2*E3[p])^2) 
    1/(E3[p] E4[p, Q2, ν, θ]) 1/D[f[p, Q2, ν, θ], p] 
    DiracDelta[p - p3zero1[Q2, ν, θ]]+p^2/(M^2 (M - 2*E3[p])^2) 
    1/(E3[p] E4[p, Q2, ν, θ]) 1/D[f[p, Q2, ν, θ], p] 
    DiracDelta[p - p3zero2[Q2, ν, θ]]

Where the integration over p runs from 0 to Infinity and the integration over θ runs from 0 to Pi. The definitions of p3zero1 and p3zero2 are bad enough that I can't analytically integrate the function and I don't know a priori if they are always greater or smaller than 0 for all points on the integration region. I then came up with the following code to plot it.

    Plot3D[NIntegrate[Integrand[p, Q2, ν, θ], {p, 0, Infinity},
    {θ, 0, π}], {Q2, 0, 5000}, {ν, 0, 2000}]

The problem that I'm facing is that the Dirac delta function is not defined for numerical integrals. Numerical integrations of Dirac deltas appear to always return 0. But I need a way to plot the function in terms of Q2 and ν.


  • $\begingroup$ Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Wiki say nothing about any integrals of the $\delta$-distribution over the positive ray of the real axis. As I know it, such integrals make no sense. $\endgroup$
    – user64494
    May 15, 2021 at 8:20

1 Answer 1


Integrate can be used to handle the DiracDelta,

Integrate[Integrand[p, Q2, ν, θ], {p, 0, Infinity}, 
    Assumptions -> p3zero2[Q2, ν, θ] ∈ Reals && p3zero1[Q2, ν, θ] ∈ Reals]
(* ((HeavisideTheta[p3zero1[Q2, ν, θ]]*p3zero1[Q2, ν, θ]^2)/
   ((M - 2*E3[p3zero1[Q2, ν, θ]])^2*E3[p3zero1[Q2, ν, θ]]*
   E4[p3zero1[Q2, ν, θ], Q2, ν, θ]*Derivative[1, 0, 0, 0][f][p3zero1[Q2, ν, θ], Q2, ν, θ]) 
   + (HeavisideTheta[p3zero2[Q2, ν, θ]]*p3zero2[Q2, ν, θ]^2)/
   ((M - 2*E3[p3zero2[Q2, ν, θ]])^2*E3[p3zero2[Q2, ν, θ]]*
   E4[p3zero2[Q2, ν, θ], Q2, ν, θ]*Derivative[1, 0, 0, 0][f][p3zero2[Q2, ν, θ], Q2, ν, θ]))
   /M^2 *)

However, NIntegrate will not work for the remaining integrand, unless all symbols except θ are given numerical values. This can be done by creating a Table in Q2 and ν of integrals over θ, which then can be plotted with ListPlot3D.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I should have thought of this. The indefinite integral will get rid of the delta functions, as you had said. You can however plot a numerical integral such as the one that I have given above since the Plot function inputs values for Q2 and nu into the argument. Try something like Plot[NIntegrate[c*x, {c, 0, Pi}], {x, 0, 10}]. $\endgroup$
    – T-Ray
    Aug 26, 2015 at 6:58
  • $\begingroup$ @JohnTerry Indeed so, Well done. $\endgroup$
    – bbgodfrey
    Aug 26, 2015 at 10:50

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