Given the function,
gg4[ q_, k_] := Sum[((-1)^(n + m)*Binomial[q, n]*Binomial[q, m]*Gamma[n + q]*
Gamma[m + q])/((-1 - 2*k + n + m + 2*q)*Gamma[-k + n + q]*
Gamma[-k + m + q]), {n, 0, q}, {m, 0, q},
Assumptions -> q ∈ Integers && k ∈ Integers && q > k >= 0]
Mathematica under Windows 8.1 (64 bit) takes about 20 minutes to evaluate
f = gg4[q, 1]
(* -(((-2 + q) (-1 + q) Gamma[-3 + 2 q] Pochhammer[1, q]^2)/
(Gamma[1 + q] Gamma[-2 + 3 q])) *)
which is incorrect, as can be seen from comparing
Table[f /. q -> i, {i, 2, 6}]
(* {0, -(1/30), -(1/105), -(1/462), -(4/9009)} *)
Table[gg4[q, 1], {q, 2, 6}]
(* {2/15, 2/315, 2/5005, 4/153153, 5/2909907} *)
This issue is reproducible and also occurs for Mathematica Suggestions?
Addendum - I also tried to compute the Sum
above with GenerateConditions -> True
but aborted the calculation after nine hours. No answer is better than a wrong answer, I suppose.