Suppose I make a BoundedDiagram
via the following code
data2D = RandomReal[{0, 10}, {10, 2}];
b1 = {{0, 0}, {11, 0}, {11, 11}, {0, 11}};
convexhull = ConvexHull[data2D];
delval = DelaunayTriangulation[data2D];
{vorvert, vorval} = VoronoiDiagram[data2D];
{dvert1, dval1} = BoundedDiagram[b1, data2D, delval, convexhull];
DiagramPlot[data2D, dvert1, dval1]
How would I go about making each region clickable, i.e. open some link that I associated with the data?
-- Edit:
I should note, all I really want is a to be able to click on regions of a Voronoi-Like diagram, it doesn't have to be done via BoundedDiagram, this is just my first attempt at doing that ... (and is basically straight from the documentation.)
package. $\endgroup$