
I have a list that looks something like:


Is there a generic way to use flatten so that you can selectively target elements within a specific sublist or is another function necessary? The output I'm looking to get is:


3 Answers 3

SubsetMap[Map[Transpose], d, {3, 5}]
 {{{1}}, {{2}}, {{3, 4}}, {{5}}, {{1, 8}}}  


SubsetMap[Map[List@*Flatten], d, {3, 5}]

SubsetMap[Map[List@*Apply[Join]], d, {3, 5}]

MapAt[Transpose, d, {{3}, {5}}]
MapAt[{Flatten[#]} &, d, {{3}, {5}}]

(* if you don't know the position, but know the elements *)
MapAt[{Flatten[#]}&, d, 
    Position[d, {{3}, {4}}],
    Position[d, {{1}, {8}}]
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you, is there a generic way to perform this function without specifying the positions? For example I'm working with lists that are variations of "d" so the parts I need to flatten aren't always at position 3 and 5. $\endgroup$
    – D'Angelo
    Jun 16, 2020 at 1:04
  • $\begingroup$ I've updated my answer. It will flatten all {{3},{4}} elements and {{1},{8}} elements $\endgroup$
    – flinty
    Jun 16, 2020 at 1:10

Since you want to flatten by pattern rather than position:

d = {{{1}}, {{2}}, {{3}, {4}}, {{5}}, {{1}, {8}}};

toFlat = {{3}, {4}} | {{1}, {8}};

d /. x : toFlat :> Flatten[x]
{{{1}}, {{2}}, {3, 4}, {{5}}, {1, 8}}

Also works with general patterns:

toFlat = {{3 | 1}, _};

d /. x : toFlat :> Flatten[x]
{{{1}}, {{2}}, {3, 4}, {{5}}, {1, 8}}

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