
Is there a way to convert simple python code to Mathematica code


2 Answers 2


I do not think there is general way to convert large chunk of code from Python to Mathematica (such as complete functions). But for individual expressions you could try this do it via Latex.

In Python

In[24]: from sympy import *
In[25]: x,y=symbols('x y')
In[26]: expr= 1+2**(x+y)*integrate(sin(x),x)-2*tan(x)
In[27]: expr
Out[27]: -2**(x + y)*cos(x) - 2*tan(x) + 1
In[28]: sympy.latex(expr)
Out[28]: '- 2^{x + y} \\cos{\\left(x \\right)} - 2 \\tan{\\left(x \\right)} + 1'

Now transfer the last expression to Mathematica. You could do this via file, or manually, or in other ways. Once inside Mathematica, then type

expr = "-2^{x+y} \\cos{\\left(x \\right)}-2 \\tan{\\left(x \\right)}+1";
ToExpression[expr, TeXForm]

Which gives

 1+(-2)^(x+y) Cos[x]-2 Tan[x]

Mathematica graphics




from sympy import integrate, sin, tan, mathematica_code
from sympy.abc import x, y

print(mathematica_code((1 + 2 ** (x + y) * integrate(sin(x), x) - 2 * tan(x))))


-2^(x + y)*Cos[x] - 2*Tan[x] + 1

All supported functions are here, sympy.printing.mathematica.known_functions


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