
Trying to brush up on my programming, I wanted to see if I can reproduce at least the first two panels of the following comic in Mathematica:

I have some code for trying to reproduce the first panel, but I think it could be improved a lot:

pie[bw_] :=
PieChart[bw, BaseStyle -> GrayLevel[0, 1], 
             ChartBaseStyle -> EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, GrayLevel[0, 1]]], 
             ChartLabels -> Placed[{"fraction of\nblack", "fraction of\nwhite"}, 
             "RadialCallout"], ChartStyle -> {Black, White}, SectorOrigin -> -5 Pi/6]

FixedPoint[N[Normalize[ImageLevels[Binarize[Rasterize[pie[#], "Image",
                       ImageSize -> Large]]][[All, 2]], Total]] &, {0.1, 1}] // pie

My problem has been in trying to add the second panel, and making sure the FixedPoint accounts for the amount of black and white in both panels. I tried using Row and Framed with Histogram, but I could not make it look decent. Can you all help me remake this comic?

I will be happy with just the first two panels, but I will of course be very impressed if you can somehow manage the third!

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Hihi, I have seen it, but I am more interested in the self-referential nature on the image, so I used FixedPoint. I guess that is for postprocessing however. $\endgroup$ Jul 21, 2016 at 7:04
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, I was referring to "but I think it could be improved a lot:", which I got wrong ;) $\endgroup$
    – Kuba
    Jul 21, 2016 at 7:15
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ There is an excellent article on this very question on the Wolfram Blog. Follow this link $\endgroup$
    – m_goldberg
    Jul 21, 2016 at 13:28
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @shrx. my comment will take the OP to a page were he/she will find an answer, but it is not an answer in itself. Link only answers are not the kind of answers we want on this site. $\endgroup$
    – m_goldberg
    Jul 22, 2016 at 14:57
  • $\begingroup$ blog.wolfram.com/2010/09/07/self-description $\endgroup$
    – Greg Hurst
    Jul 22, 2016 at 23:29

2 Answers 2


Here is a slightly improved/updated version of the solution developed by Peter Frentrup and published at Jan 15, 2010 on the xkcd forum. The changes I have made are to put "Image" as the second argument for Rasterize, explicitly convert the result to grayscale and use ImageData for extracting channel values (all these features were not present in Mathematica 6 with which the original code was developed).

The implementation:

d = 0.1;
pw = GoldenRatio - d/2;
font = "Comic Sans MS";

b2g[g_, b1_, b2_, b3_] := Graphics[{Thick,
   (* panel frames *)
   Table[With[{x = i*(pw + d)}, 
     Line[{{x, 0}, {x + pw, 0}, {x + pw, 1}, {x, 1}, {x, 0}}]], {i, 0, 2}],
   {(* left panel *)
    With[{cx = pw - 0.5, cy = 0.5},
     {Circle[{cx, cy}, 0.4],
      Disk[{cx, cy}, 0.4, 7/6 \[Pi] + {-\[Pi], \[Pi]} ((b1 + b2 + b3)/3)],
      With[{c = Cos[7/6 \[Pi]], s = Sin[7/6 \[Pi]]},
       {Line[{{cx, cy}, {cx + 0.55 c, cy + 0.55 s}, {d, cy + 0.55 s}}],
        Line[{{cx + 0.4 c, cy + 0.4 s}, {cx + 0.3 c, cy + 0.3 s}}]}],
      With[{c = Cos[3/4 \[Pi]], s = Sin[3/4 \[Pi]]},
       Line[{{cx + 0.3 c, cy + 0.3 s}, {cx + 0.5 c, cy + 0.5 s}, {d, 
          cy + 0.5 s}}]],
        Background -> White,
        FontWeight -> Bold,
        FontFamily -> font,
        TextAlignment -> Left,
        FontSize -> Scaled[0.05/(3*pw + 2*d)]], {d/2, d/2}, {-1, -1}],
        Background -> White,
        FontWeight -> Bold,
        FontFamily -> font,
        TextAlignment -> Left,
        FontSize -> Scaled[0.05/(3*pw + 2*d)]],
       {d/2, 1 - d/2}, {-1, 1}]}]
   {(* middle panel*)
    With[{lef = pw + 3 d, rig = 2 pw, bot = 1.5 d, top = 1 - 3 d},
     {Line[{{lef, top}, {lef, bot}, {rig, bot}}],
      Table[With[{w = 0.3 (rig - lef)},
        With[{x = lef + i * w - w/3},
         {Rectangle[{x, bot}, {x + w/3, 
            bot + (top - bot)*{b1, b2, b3}[[i]]/(Max[b1, b2, b3]*1.2)}],
            FontWeight -> Bold,
            FontFamily -> font,
            TextAlignment -> Left,
            FontSize -> Scaled[0.06/(3*pw + 2*d)]],
           {x + w/6, bot - d/4}, {0, 1}]}]],
       {i, 3}],
      Text[Style["AMOUNT OF\nBLACK INK\nBY PANEL:",
        FontWeight -> Bold,
        FontFamily -> font,
        TextAlignment -> Left,
        FontSize -> Scaled[0.05/(3*pw + 2*d)]],
       {pw + 1.5 d, 1 - 0.5 d}, {-1, 1}]
   {(* right panel *)
    With[{lef = 2 pw + 4 d, rig = 3 pw + d, w = 3 pw + 2 d},
     With[{y0 = 0.4 - (rig - lef)/(2 w), h = (rig - lef)/w, dd = d/3},
       Arrow[{{lef - dd, y0 - dd}, {lef - dd, y0 + h + 2 dd}}],
       Arrow[{{lef - dd, y0 - dd}, {rig + 2 dd, y0 - dd}}],
       Line[{{lef - 1.3 dd, y0}, {lef - 0.7 dd, y0}}],
       Line[{{lef, y0 - 1.3 dd}, {lef, y0 - 0.7 dd}}],
         FontWeight -> Bold,
         FontFamily -> font,
         TextAlignment -> Left,
         FontSize -> Scaled[0.05/(3*pw + 2*d)]],
        {lef - 2 dd, y0}, {1, 0}],
         FontWeight -> Bold,
         FontFamily -> font,
         TextAlignment -> Left,
         FontSize -> Scaled[0.05/(3*pw + 2*d)]],
        {lef, y0 - 2 dd}, {0, 1}],
       Inset[g, {lef, y0}, {0, 0}, Scaled[{1, 1}*h]],
         Background -> White,
         FontWeight -> Bold,
         FontFamily -> font,
         TextAlignment -> Left,
         FontSize -> Scaled[0.05/(3*pw + 2*d)]],
        {2 pw + 3 d, 1 - d/2}, {-1, 1}]}]

step[{g_, b1_, b2_, b3_}] := Module[{g2, pix},
  g2 = ColorConvert[Rasterize[b2g[g, b1, b2, b3], "Image", ImageSize -> 1000],
  pix = ImageData[g2];
   1 - Mean[
     Flatten[pix[[All, ;; \[LeftCeiling]Length[pix[[1]]]/3\[RightCeiling]]]]],
   1 - Mean[
       All, \[LeftFloor]Length[pix[[1]]]/3\[RightFloor] ;; \[LeftCeiling](
         2 Length[pix[[1]]])/3\[RightCeiling]]]]],
   1 - Mean[
     Flatten[pix[[All, \[LeftFloor](2 Length[pix[[1]]])/3\[RightFloor] ;;]]]]}

Creating the image:

First@FixedPoint[step, {Graphics[{}], 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, 
  SameTest -> (Norm[Rest[#1 - #2]] < 1*^-3 &)]



A quick example how to generate the first two frames. Just the basic layout, no fancy annotations, but you should get the idea.

First, define the functions that draw the frames:

frame1[{int1_, int2_}] := 
 PieChart[{(int1 + int2)/2, 1 - (int1 + int2)/2}, 
  ChartStyle -> {Black, White}, PerformanceGoal -> "Speed", 
  ChartBaseStyle -> EdgeForm[Directive[Opacity[1], Thick]], 
  ImageSize -> 150, Frame -> True, FrameTicks -> None, 
  FrameStyle -> Thick]
frame2[{int1_, int2_}] := 
 Framed[BarChart[{int1, int2}, ChartStyle -> Black, 
   PerformanceGoal -> "Speed", BarSpacing -> 0.8, Ticks -> None, 
   AxesStyle -> Directive[Black, Thick], ImageMargins -> 10, 
   AspectRatio -> 1
   ], FrameStyle -> Thick, ImageSize -> {150, 148}]

Then, iterate over the objective function, which in this case computes the intensity (gray level) of the frames:

FixedPoint[(1 - 
      ImageMeasurements[Rasterize@#, "MeanIntensity"] & /@ {
     frame1[#], frame2[#]
     }) &, {0.5, 0.5}]
Row[{frame1[%], frame2[%]}]
{0.239555, 0.404095}

output charts


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