
I have a Table which includes {Numbers, Probabilities}.

For example A= {{1,0.5},{2,0.25}, {3,0.1},{4,0.9}……{100,0.1}}. Put attention that the numbers are 1,2….100 in order.

I have a List of random numbers (same length like the Table and can include duplicates).

For example B={2,5,100,500, 61,250,8……19}.

I would like to build an short algorithm that will :

(1) Choose each number in List B and check if its appear in Table A,

(2) If it's there, for example "2" it will be a term in a new Table C which includes again {Number, Probability from Table A) = {2,0.25} . Here we build a new Table C.

(3) If the number in List B does not appears in A than Null (nothing).

I will be thankful to get a solution.

  • $\begingroup$ So lists A and B have 100 elements, but list C will have a length some number less than 100? $\endgroup$
    – Jason B.
    Commented Apr 29, 2016 at 7:47
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, That's the idea. $\endgroup$
    – Danny
    Commented Apr 29, 2016 at 7:55
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ You should clarify what you mean by Null - do you mean nothing, no element there, in which list C will be smaller than lists A and lists B, or do you specifically want to have the word Null in those positions? From your answer above I assume you want the first, but others have interpreted your question as it was written $\endgroup$
    – Jason B.
    Commented Apr 29, 2016 at 12:53

6 Answers 6


For a shorter example, lets take A and B to have 20 elements instead of 100, and have the integers in B run from 0 to 40,

nElements = 20;
maxB = 40;
listA = Table[{n, RandomReal[]}, {n, nElements}]
listB = RandomInteger[maxB, nElements]
(* {{1, 0.350025}, {2, 0.651077}, {3, 0.444575}, {4, 
  0.261574}, {5, 0.40258}, {6, 0.670888}, {7, 0.388662}, {8, 
  0.675527}, {9, 0.496563}, {10, 0.356305}, {11, 0.58421}, {12, 
  0.93864}, {13, 0.984511}, {14, 0.871462}, {15, 0.581234}, {16, 
  0.643948}, {17, 0.373181}, {18, 0.821704}, {19, 0.950593}, {20, 
  0.921725}} *)
(* {11, 24, 28, 35, 6, 28, 39, 23, 33, 8, 3, 27, 33, 18, 18, 
24, 16, 19, 5, 19} *)

This will give you the list you are after:

listA[[Pick[listB, 1 <= # <= nElements & /@ listB]]]
(* {{3, 0.0380246}, {11, 0.311671}, {14, 0.842235}, {8, 
  0.381485}, {6, 0.43467}, {14, 0.842235}, {16, 0.560073}, {11, 
  0.311671}, {8, 0.381485}, {3, 0.0380246}} *)
  • $\begingroup$ Thx a lot JasonB. $\endgroup$
    – Danny
    Commented Apr 29, 2016 at 8:06
f = With[{l1 = #, l2 = #2}, If[MemberQ[l1[[All, 1]], #], l1[[#]]] & /@ l2] &;

n = 10;
probs = Differences@Join[{0}, Sort@RandomVariate[UniformDistribution[], n - 1], {1}];
listA = Transpose[{Range[n], probs}]

{{1, 0.00869692}, {2, 0.130583}, {3, 0.0413228}, {4, 0.166427}, {5, 0.0572686}, {6, 0.074256}, {7, 0.0501474}, {8, 0.0498856}, {9, 0.181763}, {10, 0.239651}}

listB = RandomInteger[{1, 2 n}, 10]

{14, 10, 1, 9, 9, 20, 15, 6, 3, 12}

listC = f[listA, listB];

{Null, {10, 0.239651}, {1, 0.00869692}, {9, 0.181763}, {9, 0.181763}, Null, Null, {6, 0.074256}, {3, 0.0413228}, Null}


Interpreting the question as kglr has done, and using listA and listB as given in kglr's answer:

Cases[listA, {#, x_} :> Sequence[#, x]] & /@ listB /. {} -> Null

{Null, {10, 0.239651}, {1, 0.00869692}, {9, 0.181763},

{9, 0.181763}, Null, Null, {6, 0.074256}, {3, 0.0413228}, Null}


Cases[listA, {#, x_} :> Sequence[#, x]] & /@ listB /. {} -> Nothing

{{10, 0.239651}, {1, 0.00869692}, {9, 0.181763}, {9, 0.181763},

{6, 0.074256}, {3, 0.0413228}}


n = 10;

la = Transpose[{Range[n], RandomReal[1, n]}]

{{1, 0.652468}, {2, 0.63307}, {3, 0.682813}, {4, 0.566352},
{5, 0.935202}, {6, 0.976188}, {7, 0.238452}, {8, 0.637562},
{9, 0.101098}, {10, 0.645525}}

lb = RandomInteger[{1, 2 n}, 10]

{6, 4, 12, 8, 6, 10, 7, 17, 11, 18}

Using Lookup

Lookup[Cases[la, {a_, b_} :> a -> {a, b}], lb, Null]

{{6, 0.976188}, {4, 0.566352}, Null, {8, 0.637562},
{6, 0.976188}, {10, 0.645525}, {7, 0.238452}, Null, Null, Null}

Without Null:

Lookup[Cases[la, {a_, b_} :> a -> {a, b}], lb, Nothing]

{{6, 0.976188}, {4, 0.566352}, {8, 0.637562},
{6, 0.976188}, {10, 0.645525}, {7, 0.238452}}


For a solution that follows your algorithm to the letter, you would need something like this:

Map[ If[ MemberQ[ A[[;; , 1]] , #],  AppendTo[c, A[[#]]]] &, B]

I used c instead of C because C is a protected symbol.


Grabbing the @eldo's example:


n = 10;

la = Transpose[{Range[n], RandomReal[1, n]}];

lb = RandomInteger[{1, 2 n}, 10];

Using Reap and Sow:

newTable[la_List, lb_List] := Module[{nset, res},
nset = AssociationThread[la[[All, 1]], la[[All, 2]]];
Reap[Do[If[KeyExistsQ[nset, b], Sow[{b, nset[b]}], Sow[Null]], {b, lb}]][[2, 1]]];

Lookup[Cases[la, {a_, b_} :> a -> {a, b}], lb, Null] === newTable[la, lb]



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