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wxffles's user avatar
wxffles's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
3 votes

Illustration of Motzkin numbers: how to delete duplicates

6 votes

list-array construction

2 votes

how to write a condition for all elements of a list

3 votes

How to display a finer sphere in Graphics3D?

1 vote

A sudoku-like collection puzzle

3 votes

A sudoku-like collection puzzle

32 votes

How to insert dimensions in graphics?

3 votes

Plot glitch when plotting highly oscillatory function

2 votes

Interpolation of Discrete 3D Vector Field

11 votes

Adding dots to an empty region of space

2 votes

How to derive large Tuples (25^25, 50^50,100^100) under certain condition

4 votes

I need some help with this algorithm

3 votes

How to match the iterative head in a iterative list

2 votes

Adding text of variable size to the corner of an image so that it always fits

15 votes

I would like to create a fractal by copying, scaling and rotating the initial element

4 votes

Finding input of the function $f(a,b,c) = (d,e)$ such that $|d-e|$ = constant for $d\in[d_0,d_1]$

29 votes

Inflection point and curvature

6 votes

What is an efficient way to pick out consecutive, same first-letter words from a list?

4 votes

Twin Prime Max Gaps (Performance Tuning)

27 votes

How to draw all paths from (1,1) to (n,n) by move (+1, 0) or (0, +1)?

12 votes

How to add caption text to a Plot?

9 votes

How to find a tangent line with 2 points of tangency for a curve?

0 votes

How to sort list of mixed types of elements with each type a specified canonical order?

5 votes

SmoothHistogram inside Show doesn't respect plot range clipping?

5 votes

Adding a fading color only to 3D curves going outside a cylinder

7 votes

How do you stack 2D graphics into a 3D graphic?

8 votes

Challenging matrix sorting request?

2 votes

Problem with "Lighting" in Mathematica V9

9 votes

Finding intersections of two parametric curves

4 votes

Rolling Disk Animation

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