Questions tagged [visualization]

Data visualization is the study of the visual representation of data, meaning "information that has been abstracted in some schematic form, including attributes or variables for the units of information"

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6 votes
1 answer

How to create a plot of vectors emanating from the x axis?

I am trying to make a plot that looks something like the image seen below: So far I have the following code: ...
SalahTheGoat's user avatar
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Changing AxesOrigin on a ListPointPlot3D

How do you change the AxesOrigin to {0,0,0} for ListLinePlot3D? The code I initially have looks like this ...
SalahTheGoat's user avatar
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Show Graphics on top of ParametricPlot3D

I want to show a curved trajectory in 3D with a small Sphere/Point denoting a specific point. Therefore, the Sphere/Point needs to be always visualised "in front" of the curve; instead, I ...
sdnnds's user avatar
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Expanding website file display ---------show files in full format

Many times looking for some material I find websites that seem to use a format that does not allow the file name to be fully visible. You download the file that you think it is and it turns out that ...
juan muñoz's user avatar
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How to include a meter in Manipulate that shows a value calculated from the manipulate dynamic variable?

I'm trying to make a visualization of grid (representing magnetic states) and I want to include a meter that shows a variable calculated from the manipulate index (of the form ...
mike1994's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Visualization of a set of data with a shape $ m \times n \times 3 $ with the last dimension interpreted as a color scale

Actually, if the data is shaped as $ m \times n \times 2 $, functions like ListLinePlot just do the job. But now I want to add colors to the curves according to ...
Αλέξανδρος Ζεγγ's user avatar
2 votes
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How to draw line parallel to the coast on a world map?

The task is to draw a line parallel to the coast 150 nautical miles to the sea, highlighting the ocean between the coast and the line drawn. An expected result is an image (most aesthetically pleasing)...
Aurelius's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Display `Table` output as a 3D bar chart

Create a simple function with arguments {i,j}, and make a Table for an array of values. For example: ...
Richard Burke-Ward's user avatar
0 votes
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Surface Plotting

I want to Plot a surface using ListPlot3D. The Data used to feed the Plot is generated from measurments. The Problem is, sometimes the measurments generates x ...
CR36's user avatar
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Convolution and its inverse Fourier transform

I have two functions f[x,y] and g[x,y] calculated on a grid {x,y}. Then I perform numerical ...
Artem Alexandrov's user avatar
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Plotting ellipsoid with coordinate axis

I would like to visualize the difference in coordinate shift for the ellipsoid using Mathematica. The above is a screenshot from wikipedia. What I need is to visualise the difference between ...
Jasmine's user avatar
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How to control the visible area (up and down the line) in NumberLinePlot?

How can you control the up and down line visible part of the graph? The target if view arrosw and text below the line (purple arrow) and if it´s posible make great the upper area ...
Mika Ike's user avatar
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How to represent flux in a shape

I used Tim Laska's solution here for raytracing, and modelled 10000 photons impinging onto a cone. ...
Tomi's user avatar
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Manipulating two graphics sets with the same variable

I have two graphics for a visualization that both depend on the same parameter (an angle). I'd like for both graphics to be controlled by the same slider, but I can't have the graphics overlay each ...
mike1994's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to replicate graphic output of GraphData with Graphplot?

I am trying trying to represent a Sierpinski sieve using GraphPlot. The plot I want to get is the standard representation of a Sierpinski triangle, which is the output generated by Mathematica ...
Carlos_San's user avatar
5 votes
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How to make BarLegend colors conform with MatrixPlot ones?

It is needed to visualize some data set and built a color bar for describing the data values. The following array is given ...
Konstantin's user avatar
2 votes
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Plot of TU game on Windows

i need to make a barycentric plot including core vertices of the following TU cost game: c(1)<=150 c(2)<=100 c(3)<=100 c(1,2)<=200 c(1,3)<=200 c(2,3)<=200 c(1,2,3)<=200 ...
MadsM's user avatar
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How can I get a plot of "surface area coverage" of a parametric plot?

I have a parametric function defined by the x and y functions: ...
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Synchronising time series and video display

If I have a video at a known frame rate, and a time series of sensor readings taken at the same time. How can I play back the video and show a relevant section of the time series so the two are in ...
Nick's user avatar
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How does ListLinePlot's application of ColorFunction work?

(I'm using V12.1) There are a lot of questions on how to use ColorFunction in many plotting functions, but I have not seen this problem mentioned in any of them, ...
CA Trevillian's user avatar
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How to add multiple paths?

What I am trying to do is generate random data based on a normal distribution and plot different paths of the process. But how can I add multiple paths instead of repeating the process over and over ...
Las Des's user avatar
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3 answers

How to make `Manipulate[]` to show me the result of expression evaluation live (question updated!)?

I have code that works the way I need: ...
vasili111's user avatar
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Why the Plot[] is plotting the result of expression evaluation always on y axis of coordinate plane?

I have a code: Plot[-3*x + 2, {x, -10, 10}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotRange -> {{-20, 20}, {-20, 20}}] output: and it does not matter what will be ...
vasili111's user avatar
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Phase Portraits on Compact Surfaces

I'm writing my senior thesis on the theory generic flows on compact surfaces. This is a beautiful geometric subject, and I want beautiful visualizations to match. Here is my strategy: Step 1: Given ...
AestheticAnalyst's user avatar
4 votes
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Using Manipulate[] to manipulate Plot[] min and max values

I have code: Plot[y = -3*x + 2, {x, -10, 10}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotRange -> {{-20, 20}, {-20, 20}}] output: Now I want to use ...
vasili111's user avatar
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Proper AspectRation and PlotRange options with Graphics[]

I have code: ...
vasili111's user avatar
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6 votes
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Consistent tick label height in BarChart

Consider the following BarChart example: ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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How to create a custom EdgeShapeFunction whose arrowheads snap to vertices

When using the Graph option PerformanceGoal -> "Quality", the endpoints of edges (arrows) will snap to vertices, no matter ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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How to make Tube behave like Line when working with non-ideally scaled data?

I have a set of data that Line enjoys quite well, however, Tube seems to throw something of a tantrum when I deliver the same ...
CA Trevillian's user avatar
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Positioning ViewPoint within a 3D Graphic (from ParametricPlot3D) Leads to Extraneous Panels in Output

I am animating the ViewVector (very similar to the ViewVector Documentation "Neat Example") to follow the curve in a 3D graphic created by the ParametricPlot3D function. This is, in principle, a very ...
Paul Harrison's user avatar
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How to visualize a vector field on a parametrized surface?

I'm solving a differential equation by NDSolve. After solving the equation, I got the solution for $$. But, now I want to visualise the vector(which makes an angle phi with the normal) on the ...
cosmos's user avatar
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How to plot a series of arrows from a list of vectors?

Suppose I had a list of 3-vectors as a time series like the following: ...
honeste_vivere's user avatar
5 votes
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HIghlight integer coordinates in continuous plot

Suppose I have the plot of some function y = f(x): Plot[f(x),{x, x_min, x_max}] Is there any option to highlight all coordinates (x,y) when both of them are ...
avm's user avatar
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3 votes
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How can I see an image of an edge labeled graph from GraphData?

If I input: g = {"CompleteBipartite", {2, 3}}; {GraphData[g, "LabeledImage"], GraphData[g, "EdgeList"]} then I can see a graph with its vertices labeled. I ...
geoffrey's user avatar
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Mathematica Plot failed to visualize very acute changes [closed]

I am plotting a variable evolution with the results calculated by NDSolve. It reduced from 1.0 to 0.9 in the first 0.0001 seconds, while I want to plot this variable from 0 to 800 seconds. However, ...
Lu Qiyue's user avatar
4 votes
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Plotting tens of thousands of functions together on the same axes

I'm trying to plot a large number of functions together on the same axes. Each of these functions is the result from one iteration of a Monte Carlo simulation. Essentially, I'm varying parameters of a ...
Matt's user avatar
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Map 2D data to a room plan?

I need to map 2D measures taken at regular intervals in a room on the room floor plan in order to create a "heat map". Something like that: Taken from -- ...
Sylvain Leroux's user avatar
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Having issues trying to animate an electric and magnetic field of a moving point charge [duplicate]

I'm currently trying to plot an electric and magnetic field using Mathematica, but I'm quite new to the program and I've run into a wall. I start out with a moving point charge, and this is what I've ...
chae lim's user avatar
3 votes
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Preserving ColorFunction when exporting 3D density plot? [closed]

I am trying to produce a 3D density plot from a set of points. Minimal code to generate a similar set of points and plot is ...
book_kees's user avatar
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Placing a contour line at y when f(x)>=y

I have an issue that the plot below drops the contour at 0. I suspect this case is special because my function is lower bounded by 0. As a work-around, I changed 0 to 0.01, but it looks jagged, any ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
2 votes
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Visualize tree with many children per node

I have some data that I would like to visualize as a tree. It contains the parent node and its children. I already looked up TreeForm and TreeGraph but the problem is, that my parent node got about 80 ...
Arji's user avatar
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ListPlot3D with individual colours for each point that blend

If I have a list of points {x,y,z} and for each point an rgb colour, e.g.: points={{0,0,0,1,0,0}, {1,0,0,0,1,0}, {1,1,1,0,0,1}} how can I plot the surface covering ...
piiipmatz's user avatar
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How to map 2D coordinates to a unique colour (i.e. 2D colormap)?

Colourmaps in Mathematica usually map a single value with a colour. Are there 2-dimensional colourmaps available where one can map 2d coordinates to a unique colour? (i.e. in a way that coordinates ...
piiipmatz's user avatar
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Visualizing the Riemann's mapping theorem [closed]

The Riemann's mapping theorem allows to map any simply-connected domain in the complex plane $\mathbb{C}$ conformal onto the open unit disk. Conformal is meaning preserving angles. This is a complete ...
Arji's user avatar
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Plot of Parametric Equation that describes a Lead Screw

I have a Lead Screw, it looks like this: There are two parameters at the moment of buying one: Pitch and Lead The Lead Screw that I have has a Lead of 2mm and a Pitch of 2mm, but I find a little bit ...
Nau's user avatar
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Graph that visualizes subset relations

First, off I am a bloody beginner when it comes to programming in general and Mathematica in particular. I only started using it so I can make sense of my suggestions for the semantics in my syntax ...
user3201's user avatar
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Implicit Region with Multiple Levels of Contraints

I'm trying to create an Implicit Region in the following way: Let's say the 2D region is defined as ...
user2757771's user avatar
4 votes
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Ideas for styling graph nodes with weights

Suppose we have the following random graph SeedRandom[100] n = 15; m = 20; G = RandomGraph[{n, m}, VertexLabels -> "Name"]; and a list of weights for the ...
user avatar
8 votes
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Axes with Ticks in ArrayPlot

I am trying to place axes into ArrayPlot. I would like to get something that looks like this: So in addition to the Frame and <...
Moonwalk's user avatar
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BarChart and ColorFunction

There are really two questions. The first is: how does one get BarChart to generate x coordinates. That is, ListPlot takes a list of pairs, but ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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