Questions tagged [version-8]

Version-specific issues for Mathematica 8 (other than bugs).

10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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13 votes
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Interpolation on an unstructured (mostly-structured) grid in 4D+

I frequently need to perform interpolations on an unstructured grid. Mostly, with the purpose of filling grid holes and then later continue with regular grid interpolations. Mathematica V9 and V10 ...
Markus Roellig's user avatar
6 votes
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Issue with FindCurvePath

I have a problem with the function FindCurvePath. In some cases it crashes the Mathematica 9 Kernel. Here an example, where it crashes the kernel: ...
Bimmel's user avatar
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5 votes
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Expansion of $E(i c \mid m)$ at $c\to\infty$?

Currently, I am using a Windows machine with Mathematica 8. I noticed a difference in a series expansion of the function EllipticE[] in comparison with a result ...
Kagaratsch's user avatar
3 votes
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Method Shrinkwrap Messes up editting Graphics

If you try resizing or moving the Inset in the following interface, the Graphics becomes incredibly jerky and borderline ...
William's user avatar
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2 votes
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Positive integrand giving negative answer

I'm integrating a positive function f(t) times sin(t) from 0 to pi/5 and get -38. Actually f is slightly negative for a short time (smallest value ~ -0.0005), but far from enough to explain this. ...
jorgen's user avatar
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Behavior of copy and paste with different image formats

Ok, let's say I create a 1x1 pixel image. i = Image[{{0}}, "Byte"]; Now I Export["image.png", i] the image and import it into ...
William's user avatar
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1 vote
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How to add a common color-bar to a set of 2d maps produced from evaluating a function along three projections in Mathematica 8.0?

In our simulation, we are assigning neutral hydrogen gas to dark halos as a result of which a distribution of neutral hydrogen is established across each dark halo represented in the form of a ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Problems using Callout in ListPlot and ListLinePlot

I'm trying to plot the solution of Van der Pol's oscillatory equation. However, I encounter a problem each time I combine Callout, ListPlot and ListLinePlot. My Mathematica version (Mathematica 8.0 on ...
Omojola's user avatar
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Displaying legends in displacement plot of Van der Pol oscillator on MATHEMATICA 8.0

I am trying to draw different plots of Van der Pol's oscillator displacement (ListPlots and ListLinePlots) using 'Show'. I have a problem drawing the legends. Here are my codes: ...
Omojola's user avatar
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NDSolve accepts no multiplier in argument

Narasimham's user avatar
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