Questions tagged [refactoring]

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1 vote
0 answers

Can one collect with respect to two groups of variables?

Here is a toy example of what I want: given ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there any way to refactor this equation?

I have a function produce this equation: (-4*dt^2*(c3 + a3*t)^2*t0^4 + dxC^2*(t0^2 + t1^2)^2 + dxM^2*(t0^2 + t1^2)^2 + dxY^2*(t0^2 + t1^2)^2)/(4*t0^4) Is there any ...
1 vote
0 answers

Rewriting GroupBy[{elem1,elem2,…},spec,red] into GroupBy[spec] , how to apply reduction?

I'm currently using this version of GroupBy: GroupBy[{elem1,elem2,…},spec,red] applies the function red to reduce lists of values that are generated. I want to rewrite my function with this one: ...
4 votes
1 answer

What is a more expedient way to assign variable names to individual elements in a list?

There is a set of one-dimensional descriptive statistics that I need so often that instead of copying and pasting calculations each time I created a function (...
2 votes
0 answers

How to refactor solution verification function for solving simple ordinary differential equations with Dsolve? [closed]

I have tried different approaches but none would work for me as I am new to both functional programming and Mathematica. At bottom is the code I have. How ...
1 vote
1 answer

Variable refactoring and multi-selection

In IDEs like PyCharm for Python, I can select a variable name or method name and it will highlight to show where all I have used it. Also its easy to refactor the names under a given text selection. ...
0 votes
2 answers

Numerical output using Select and FactorInteger

I have concocted a function from other peoples examples to find the powers of two in a prime decompostion, in the example below its $2^2=4$ gives {2,2}. ...
7 votes
1 answer

How to replace a string within a selected region in a notebook?

I want to replace a string in a selected region/cell in mathematica notebook/package. I searched but didn' t get any result. I think it' s a quite common feature for editors/programming environments. ...
6 votes
1 answer

Wolfram Workbench - how to rename local variables

I'm refactoring some old code. I used really short names for local variables, which I'm coming to regret. Is there an easy way to rename local variables in scope using Wolfram workbench? Here is an ...