Questions tagged [output]

Questions about the form and content of output returned by Mathematica for a given input or function application. This can include specific differences produced by older versions of Mathematica.

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Copied Dot expression is incorrect

On a recent answer I ran into a little problem. I wrote $x^3.\{1,1\}$ using Mathematica's 2D input, then copied and pasted the expression here, yielding x^3.{1, 1}....
Mr.Wizard's user avatar
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Not getting any output from mathematica script

I am completely new, so this question may be trivial, but I can't find any answers in the Wolfram documentation. I am playing around with scripting in Mathematica, but I cannot seem to get any type ...
Nate Foulk's user avatar
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Obtain $\TeX$ code as in `StandardForm`

This is a question very close related to Breaking up long equations in TeXForm. Last time, because @Adam doest not present a clear goal for this problem, as stated by Massimo Ortolano there's no ...
Kattern's user avatar
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On numbers with N digits after comma in Mathematica

Consider a table tabb={{1.233546576,2.454546565},{22334.46687875465,6787233.3565665655}} I want to convert it into a table where all the numbers are only with 4 ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Print a string in TraditionalForm

I'd like to print all in TraditionalForm "f(z)=(z+1)/(z-1)" where f is a function defined in the usual way. What I obtain in Output for f(z) and (z+1)/(z-1) is not the TraditionalForm. What ...
CharlesG's user avatar
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Refer to future output

in my notebook I would like to present output that follows from some code later on in the notebook. E.g. on page 10, in the appendix, I have a code producing a graphic, which I name graphic1. On page ...
TLP's user avatar
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Fortranform output in double precision

I want to take the output in fortran form but written in double precision notation. For example, exp=1 + 8*as^2*Log[2*x] which gives ...
BabaYaga's user avatar
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How to draw a color square from a spectral distribution?

I need to draw a simple square filled with a flat uniform color, from a given spectral function. The color should simulate as close as possible what an human eye/brain would see, if the light ...
Cham's user avatar
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Exporting 3D graphics in vectorial form

I often have to export a 3D graphics to a PDF file, to be opened and edited with my favorite vectorial application ('m using Intaglio, on OS X). I frequently get two problems (see the picture below, ...
Cham's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a standalone OS X app from manipulate?

I'm wondering if it's possible to make a standalone app from a manipulate box. I mean a small app that do exactly what the manipulate box is doing in Mathematica, but without Mathematica. In other ...
Cham's user avatar
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How to define additional 'OutputForm' formats?

I would like to define an additional OutputForm command such that, when applied to a long expression involving several variables (probably at different levels, ...
JuanC97's user avatar
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Tick marks: How to force powers of 10 in a ListPlot with logarithmic scale?

I'm sure this is very simple to do, but I'm yet unable to find the trick. Here's a simple ListPlot with a Log scale on the horizontal axis: ...
Cham's user avatar
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How to acquire the background color and font color of output cells?

The following is how I grab the general colors used for an EvaluationNotebook but how does one target the colors to be used when creating an ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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Code to delete all output in a notebook

I am looking for a code I can paste at the beginning of a notebook to delete all the output cells so that when I execute the "Evaluate notebook" command, all the output cells are also ...
akr's user avatar
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Getting an exact solution using Solve

I run the command: Solve[{Tan[x] == Coth[x], 1/2 <= x <= 1}, x] And I get the following output: ...
ainz smith's user avatar
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Is there "absolute" point size for Graphics3D?

I would like to get points size that vary when the viewer is zooming in/out through the 3D graphic. The point size I want should be defined as "absolute", relative to the coordinates used ...
Cham's user avatar
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Is it possible to insert a fixed-size Input Cell in a DockedCell toolbar that directs output if any to a specified Cell in same Notebook?

Ive been coding Mathematica for over a year but this language can do so much more than any other language hence beginners really do need a much longer gestation period. That is why this rarest of ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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How to Block the Output of WriteString?

I have an external package that uses the following function internally to print messages, PrintOutput[x__] := WriteString[$Output, x]; I want to block all the ...
Epsilon's user avatar
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Storing python output to variables in Wolfram

Would like to use the external language input in python to save variables I can potentially use in Mathematica. Any chance there is a way to do this? I do understand there might be a solution with ...
tallsamurai's user avatar
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How to get a smoother color blending on a 3D sphere showing the spherical harmonics?

Here's a manipulate code to show the spherical harmonics mapped on an unit sphere: ...
Cham's user avatar
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In warning messages, can multi-storey expressions be flattened?

I receive the following output in command line: ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Why in Mathematica and Wolfram Engine the result of this code is different?

f[x_] := Evaluate[Input["Enter a function to sum or integrate:"]] Print[f[t]] After starting, I enter x^2. Mathematica outputs $t^2$ while Wolfram Engine ...
Anixx's user avatar
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No output after memory constrained short computation using 'Solve'

I am trying to solve a system of nonlinear equations symbolically using Solve. The input runs for only ~30 seconds, then my syntax highlighting goes black, and there is no output: Does this mean my ...
cedarfootsteps's user avatar
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With a Large output, clicking Show all or Show more freezes Mathematica

Running the following code takes about 30 min on my laptop (everything before the Reduce is instant) and produces a Large output ...
Sander Heinsalu's user avatar
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How can I force the output of a computation to be as compact as possible, yet complete, by using functions?

I am computing some derivatives in Wolfram Mathematica 11.3. The functions that I have to differentiate (with respect to the state variables) are the equations of motion of a rocket in the atmosphere. ...
Boris Benedikter's user avatar
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Can I store output data in the Notebook file? Specifically output from NDSolve[ ]

I am having some outputs from NDSolve of the form {{x→InterpolatingFunction[…], y→InterpolatingFunction, … }} and the ...
Britzel's user avatar
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Mathematica symbolic question - Subexpressions?

Apologies in advance if this has been asked but I cannot find any information. I'm calculating the determinant of a large symbolic polynomial matrix. In the result are symbols such as this: as in ...
wdmichael's user avatar
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How to write a power using `WriteString` function

I have a solution of an equation: aa = N[Rationalize[g6[[3, 2]], 0], 16] (* Out: 2.691607147352649*10^-6 *) I want to save this result in a file using ...
Mateus's user avatar
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Save output of Mathematica batch job to file

bsub "math -script input.m > output.out" runs the Mathematica command in input.m as a batch job and should print the output ...
Pippo's user avatar
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How to analyse huge output from Reduce systematically?

I have a constrained optimization problem, looking for Nash equilibria. I use the KKT conditions programmed using Reduce to solve it. For the general case I get a very large output, with more than 100 ...
František Kaláb's user avatar
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How can I make the output start to be calculated after certain time?

Good day, I have a problem. I want to run two matrix based on time given. I used TimeUsed. given, matrix a and b; a={{g*t, 2}, {3, 4}} b={{3, 4}, {5, h*t}} I ...
munirah 's user avatar
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Out[ ] cells suddenly begin with newline

This is a "feature" of Mathematica that persists through several versions. What happens: Mathematica experiences some internal hiccup and from then on starts every Out[ ] cell with a newline, which is ...
chizhek's user avatar
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Periodic boundary condition trick

I'm plotting a curve on a compact space which is having periodic boundaries on the left and right parts. Currently, the code I'm using is working great, but I'm wondering if there's a simpler and ...
Cham's user avatar
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Long running time

I gave this data as input: ...
Starior's user avatar
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Ignore $MinPrecision when using Print

I have a function that contains a For loop and sometimes takes several hours to run. It's important that I keep a high precision, and I insert ...
tn3rt's user avatar
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How can I change the way Mathematica orders exponents?

How can I change the ascending order that Mathematica has of ordering the exponents, to a descending one. For example, get ...
Guillermo Rojas's user avatar
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Inactivate Prints inside function?

If one has a piece of code with some prints, he can inactivate them using inactivate, like Inactivate[Print["test"];,Print]; (*returns nothing*) Hower, I ...
Giorgio Busoni's user avatar
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Problems with extracting a row from a matrix

I have a 4 times 4 matrix which has very "large" entries (it takes almost ten minutes to initialize it). Supposing its name its M, I'd like Mathematica to ...
Filippo Caleca's user avatar
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Converting Tensor product to Matrix

I have a basic question regarding matrices and tensor product forms. Given $N > 0$, I am interested in the tensor product series $\sum_{i}^{N} X_i$, where $X_i$ is the Pauli $X$ spin operator at ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Remove empty TextCell[] from numerical expression

I am evaluating an expression like this: ...
creative_name's user avatar
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Suppressing output when defining a function that opens a notebook

I have a command to open a new notebook and generate a reference table. It is basically this with 2+2 replaced by a large table command: ...
Chris Kennedy's user avatar
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Convert Mathematica output to Python code

I have this Mathematica (output) vector that I'd like to convert to Python: ...
Beatriz A's user avatar
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Mmma connectivity . parquet. python

Is there any way to exchange data in binary format with python ? Example. a) I have data in Mmma and want to export them to make use in python ... b) Want to use Parquet format
Curious's user avatar
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Readable formula output on command line

I was trying to solve some differential equations. Mathematica is a little expensive to me, so I went for the free Wolfram Engine for Developers. It is said that the engine offers the full power of ...
nalzok's user avatar
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Problem with Gamma Package

I wanted to install the Gamma package. The package seems to have installed correctly. However, I am not seeing any symbolic output. The outputs should be like these. But I am getting these. Any idea ...
Shov432's user avatar
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Remove <<1>> from a long result

There may be already similar questions posted but since I am not still sure, let me ask the following question. Is there any way to remove <<1>>'s from a very very lengthy output, so that the ...
UKS's user avatar
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Mathematica does't print the number 10 for small numbers on command line

I'm running this code from commanline using mathematica 10.1 #!/usr/local/bin/MathematicaScript -script vec = Table[10.0^-v,{v,0,10,1}]; Print[vec]; and the ...
Yotam's user avatar
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Classify: other output representation

I'm working on a classisfy problem. The code is like: CMDDrf = Classify[trainingdata, Method -> "RandomForest"] Then I want to make a prediction based on a ...
Michiel van Mens's user avatar
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Display functions without dependence?

I'm solving systems of equations with a few different functions of time, t, and so I'm getting output with lots of [t] running around. Is there a way to display these functions without the dependences,...
Adam's user avatar
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