Questions tagged [functions]

Questions about the use of built-in Mathematica functions, including pure functions.

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NestWhile with input as a list [closed]

I'm wondering how I can use NestWhile if my input is a list: NestWhile[function,{1,2,3,4},...] For example, I want ...
Yibin Jiang's user avatar
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Filter out terms that include any combination of F[X] and G[-X]

I have the following problem which is closely linked to a previous question I asked some time ago (Replacement rule for terms that are separated by operators?). In this specific instance, suppose I ...
Viktor  Gakis's user avatar
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Calling a function with a vector doesn't work for me

I'm trying to create a simple function that generates a transformation matrix from the partial derivatives of two coordinate systems. It currently works when I have it written like this: ...
Quark Soup's user avatar
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Plotting 3D energy bands

I'm having a problem trying to plot a 3D energy band structure. Having a function of 3 variables (energy) for example: f[x_,y_,z_]:= Cos[x]+Cos[y]+Cos[z] What i ...
Gabriel Aller's user avatar
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How to define a function having many steps? [duplicate]

I can't transform a simple code into a function. The function should take an integer and return a list of digits in a factorial number system: ...
Alex Rad's user avatar
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Defining a function with For loop within For loop

h[n_] := For[i = 1, i <= n, i++, For[j = 1, j <= n, j++, g = g + i*j]; f = f + g;]; h[10] I want to define a function to calculate the Sum from i ...
Rack Cloud's user avatar
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Find peaks, max and min of an interpolation function?

I'm new in mathematica. I have a list of values and i don't know how to find some poitns, such as peaks, the max and min of an interpolation function. ...
Zarabu's user avatar
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How to call an old build-in function in a new version of Mathematica?

In order to use the UnitStep of Mathematica 5.2, I have to install two different versions 5.2 and 11.3 at the same time because ...
likehust's user avatar
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Why does the FindFormula result contain Abs in result?

If you look at the first example of FindFormula, why is the result Mathematica produces showing an Abs? Table[{x, N[x Sin[x]]}, {x, 0, 4, .3}] FindFormula[%, x] ...
Moo's user avatar
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How to fix label position inside Manipulate?

I'm trying to make this manipulation. Initially, I use Text to add Happy Wedding. However, the function doesn't allow me to ...
emnha's user avatar
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How to ask Mathematica to express variables in terms of each other in an implicit function

How to ask Mathematica to give $y$ in terms of $x$ in this function? Is there a way to obtain a closed form expression for $y$ in terms of $x$? $x=\frac{\left(y^4-1\right) \left(\coth (2 y)-\frac{1}{...
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error for NMinimize with Parameters in the form f[a_]:=NMinimize

I'm trying to write a function of a variable as the argument of a minimization where that variable comes to play. Here is the code : ...
J.A's user avatar
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Creating a special product function

I am having trouble working with lists inside functions with Mathematica. Basically, I have a list of numbers and a special way to multiply them. I want to have a function that is able to create a ...
Jude Quintero's user avatar
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Define Function explicitely with List as argument [duplicate]

Background There are multiple ways to define Functions. I would assume all methods are equivalent, and allow for the same options. However, I fail to find the ...
LBogaardt's user avatar
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Order of evaluation of variable

I'd like to control the order of evaluation in a multi-variable function. Example: Suppose I have the function: B[x_, y_] := x + y/x; If I try to evaluate ...
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Get R^2 value between interpolating functions and a list of points

I am looking to compare the degree of accuracy of a theoretical model by comparing my theoretical curve to my experimental data points. My theoretical curve is an interpolating function generated ...
chris97ong's user avatar
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Use a list with single number for the second input of Table

As you see both inputs below give the same results. Is there any reason to use List[3] instead of just 3 in the first case? <...
emnha's user avatar
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When do functions apply on lists and when they do not

I have read in my lecture notes on Mathematica that functions (in the general sense) can be applied to lists of data and that they can return new lists with data. I have tried this and I have got ...
dmtri's user avatar
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Derivative of function with large number of arguments

I have a function which depends on more than 30 parameters and I want to symbolically compute the derivatives with respect to the individual parameters. From the documentation of the ...
Felix Crazzolara's user avatar
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I've been try to plot this function but it's not work. It's in the body [closed]

Plot[z^7 - 5*z^4 + 3*z^2 + 6*z - 4, {z, -2 - 2*I, 2 + 2*I}]
user68200's user avatar
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FindFormula: can I change the standard TargetFunctions?

FindFormula seems to have a limited number of TargetFunctions: Possible functions for TargetFunctions are Plus, Times, Power, Sin, Cos, Tan, Cot, Log, Sqrt, Csc, Sec, Abs, and Exp. Is it ...
Sergio Jorás's user avatar
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return {} when the function is given {}

I have a function taking an array as argument and giving an output. However, sometimes my argument is {} (the empty array), then how can I get an output {} when my argument is {}? Actually, I want the ...
lol's user avatar
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Generalization of code is slower than particular case

I wrote the following Mathematica module: ...
user68161's user avatar
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n derivatives on a function of n variables

I want to derive an expression with respect to each variable of a function $f: \mathbb R^n \rightarrow \mathbb R$. More precisely: $\left(\prod_{i=1}^n\frac{\partial}{\partial_{x_i}}\right) g(f(x_1,...
IgnoranteX's user avatar
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Find the two least common positive values that divides both 40131 and 41405 [closed]

I'm completely new to mathematica, and got stuck on a question. If I needed to find the least 2 common dividers for 40131 and 41405, how would I code it? What i want is: Prime Factorization of ...
user68122's user avatar
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Using vtx[] instead of vtx

There're two ways to generate a random tree as 1 and 2 below. Both work fine here. So what's the reason to use vtx[] instead of ...
emnha's user avatar
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Mathematica Function Taxicab Numbers [duplicate]

I have spent days trying to compile this code and I cannot generate a list of taxicab numbers for the Hardy-Ramanujan Theory. Here is the module I wrote earlier: ...
Timothy Aaronn Norris's user avatar
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Printing Values Within a Function

Below is a function to calculate the overlap between two gaussian functions. ...
Goku's user avatar
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Finding Closed form expressions for sums

I am working with the a problem where I need to compute some complicated sums, for which I first define the following inner product. ...
jcp's user avatar
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Alternatives to using LinearSolve

subrinarafiq's user avatar
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What are equations on mathematica and differences between these errors? [closed]

These are the three errors I was given. I so far wrote the code which was computing the polynomial interpolation but now I am asked to find those three norms: norm error mean norm error maximal ...
Sherien Hassan's user avatar
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FindInstance confused by CoprimeQ

For some reason when I type FindInstance[a + b == c && CoprimeQ[a, b, c] == True, {a, b, c}, Integers] Mathematica just immediately returns my input as ...
volcanrb's user avatar
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strange behaviour of Eigensystem and Eigenvectors [duplicate]

consider this: ...
Ali Hashmi's user avatar
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Define a function including two solve solutions

I'm trying to combine the solutions coming from two NSolves and define a new function that I've to integrate. Basically I've defined two ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Quadratic form for specific formula as matrix reprezentation [closed]

So I have problem for specific formula to create Quadratic_form form from $$y = 3 + x_1 - 2 x_4 + 2 x_3 x_4 + x_2 (-x_3 + x_4) $$ as matrix \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ ...
blabla's user avatar
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Contour Plot not taking previously defined expressions?

I am new to Mathematica so my question might sound a bit silly, but I hope you help me. While learning ContourPlot, I have learned that when I use the previously ...
Danny  Han's user avatar
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How to get the nth value of a function with arbitrary number of arguments

I know that I can define a function of a List and get the nth argument like: f[x_List]:=x[[1]]+x[[2]] What if the argument of ...
user366202's user avatar
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The use of SlotSequence in If[#1 > #2, ##] &

The below function when applied to a list of two elements, will output the maximum between the two: If[#1 > #2, ##] & For example: ...
WeiShan Ng's user avatar
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At how many of these points is f(x,y) (strictly) greater than both g(x,y) and h(x,y)? and

I try too find out the solution but is not work. Please help! This what I wrote:
lilili's user avatar
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Real and imaginary parts of complex logarithm

I need to obtain the real and imaginary parts of the below expression with Mathematica: $(- i a - m^2) \ln(\frac{i m^2}{2 a})$, where $a$ and $m$ are real. So we have: ...
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Plotting a Wavefunction [closed]

I am trying to plot a wavefunction for a 1D Particle in a box. I attached my code below, when I run it, it shows a plot with no lines on it. I am new to mathematica, so I am not sure what I am doing ...
Molly McDonough's user avatar
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What is the problem in this program? [closed]

The output is showing running only. For[m = 0, m < 0.05, m++, For[a = 5, a < 20, a + 1, a1 = a*(a/2); x[m] = a1 ]; ];
vijay's user avatar
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How to convert list of variables x1, x2, x3 ,x4 ... x10 to list of x1_,x2_,x3_..x10_?

I'm writing a function where I need to give many inputs. I created a list of variables from Table function. My aim is to get ...
Gummala Navneeth's user avatar
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Is there any command similar to Delaunay of matlab?

After finding this webpage where they mention the generation of land using matlab, In its section how it works, explain its operation in detail, I started trying to do it in MMA but I am doubtful of ...
bullitohappy's user avatar
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How would I plot the inequality lines together with the intersection plot of the inequalities?

For example, I've got the following code: Plot[{x >= 5, y >= 8, x + 2y <= 64, x + y <= 40}] This would plot: Now, this is fair enough. It shows me ...
Tetragrammaton's user avatar
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For different value of input module is giving same result

I have a simple module written to extract a certain shape for a certain value of ω, but I am getting the same result for different input values into the module. 1.mode[1] and mode[2] looks exactly ...
acoustics's user avatar
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How to speed up the evaluation of a sum of incomplete Gamma functions?

We need to do a ContourPlot for the following function $H[x,y,n]$: ...
mike's user avatar
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Unit Step Function [closed]

I will like to plot the unit step function of common function , For example f(t)=H(t-4)t or f(t)=H(t-4)t^2 I have search through the Help Menu but cant really get a lead to the plotting. Thank you
MKA's user avatar
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How to use a list as a part of arguments for a function?

I have a function, say f[x,y,z] and a list l={b,c}. What is a more concise way to write ...
NonalcoholicBeer's user avatar
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Properly defining and plotting a function that requires `NSolve`

I want to defined a function that solves some equation numerically: ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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