Linked Questions

114 votes
6 answers

Exporting graphics to PDF - huge file

I want to draw some basic surfaces, export them to PDF and include them in a LaTeX file. I create a simple 3D graphics object, for instance with ...
Matthew Leingang's user avatar
97 votes
4 answers

Functions with Options

Suppose you want to create a function which has optional arguments. Maeder's book Programming in Mathematica covers the topic extensively up to version 3, but some things have changed/evolved since ...
magma's user avatar
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45 votes
3 answers

Avoiding white lines inside filled area in RegionPlot exported as PDF or PS

Bug introduced in 8.0 or earlier and fixed in 13.2 or later When doing a RegionPlot and then exporting (or saving from the front end) as PDF or EPS, there are ...
celtschk's user avatar
  • 19.1k
39 votes
1 answer

How can all those tiny polygons generated by RegionPlot be joined into a single FilledCurve?

RegionPlot will usually generate a large number of tiny polygons for filling the region: ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
  • 235k
15 votes
2 answers

Simple algorithm to find cycles in edge list

I have the edge list of an undirected graph which consists of disjoint "cycles" only. Example: {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 1}, {5, 6}, {6, 7}, {7, 5}} Each ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Overlapping graphic primitives

I am trying to make a figure in Mathematica using some graphic primitives: ...
Ruud3.1415's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Problem with exporting RegionPlot as PDF

I have the following RegionPlot (which code I don't present since it comes from a long expression): When I right click on it (within the notebook) and try to save ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Creating Optimal "Smoothed" Contour-Type Plots (X,Y,Z) Using Mathematica 8.04 [closed]

Update: data here Here is a contour plot produced in the SAS program: In this plot, variable 23405 forms the X axis, variable 20201 forms the Y axis, and outcome variable 50502 forms a pseudo Z ...
13 votes
2 answers

Remove the extra white-space padding introduced by implicit use of Inset in GraphicsColumn

Simple Context This is a question about understanding how Inset really works and how GraphicsColumn and the like automatically ...
march's user avatar
  • 23.4k
11 votes
2 answers

Rasterized density plot with vector axes

I'm wondering if there is an easy way to get the plot below exported in a small PDF file? The plot below is made in the following steps: Create a StreamPlot ...
Nick's user avatar
  • 437
6 votes
3 answers

Can one reorder a list for parameterization?

I'm using ContourPlot to extract data points from a rather non-trivial curve in the $(x,y)$-plane. However, the points are spit out in the order of increasing $x$ ...
Benighted's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Efficient export of complex graphics to PDF

So I have 2D plot, made with DensityListPlot. Mathematica just cannot export them properly to PDF, so what I want to do is 1) export the plot itself, without axes, labels, etc, as a jpg image, and 2) ...
Mammouth's user avatar
  • 101
4 votes
1 answer

How to get better quality EPS graphics

Yesterday, I was doing any Tables of 15 graphs similar to the next example, to save .eps and use in latex. In the generation of the graphs Mathematica spends many time. Is possible to reduce this ...
Mika Ike's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

ContourPlot has extra mesh

There is an odd white mesh that appears on top of any contour plot I make. ContourPlot[x + 2 y, {x, 80, 300}, {y, 50, 100}] Any ideas on how I get rid of this? I'...
Edmund's user avatar
  • 42.3k
3 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to export a 3D contour plot (contour lines only) to a vector format?

I have a function defined on a 3D surface, which I wish to plot as a contour plot, and export to a vector graphics format. Based on this question and various others, it seems that there is generically ...
user366202's user avatar

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