
I have solved the following Eq to get hz:

sol = Solve[(-(-1 + b) (hz^3 + hz^3 Log[hz^4/lamda^4]) + 
     2/3 b hz^3 Log[((Fπ)^4 alpha[3]^2)/(16 lamda^6)]) == 0, hz]

I wanted to check if one the solutions like sol[[4, 1, 2]] satisfies the Eq:

FullSimplify[(-(-1 + b) (hz^3 + hz^3 Log[hz^4/lamda^4]) + 
    2/3 b hz^3 Log[((Fπ)^4 alpha[3]^2)/(16 lamda^6)]) /. 
  hz -> sol[[4, 1, 2]], 
 lamda > 0 && alpha[3] > 0 && Fπ > 0 && b ∈ Reals]

I got the following answer:

1/3 (E^(-1 + (2 b Log[(Fπ^4 alpha[3]^2)/(16 lamda^6)])/(
   3 (-1 + b))))^(3/4) lamda^3 (-3 (-1 + b) (1 + 
      Log[E^(-1 + (2 b Log[(Fπ^4 alpha[3]^2)/(16 lamda^6)])/(
        3 (-1 + b)))]) + 2 b Log[(Fπ^4 alpha[3]^2)/(16 lamda^6)])

It should be zero but Mathematica can not simplify it further. Thanks for your help.

  • $\begingroup$ Is F[Pi] a variable in itself or F * Pi? $\endgroup$
    – LLlAMnYP
    Oct 8, 2015 at 6:56
  • $\begingroup$ @JasonB, it appears is indeed the name of a variable and not the product of F and π. Your first edit was correct. At least that's how it looks from the code and the expected result. $\endgroup$
    – LLlAMnYP
    Oct 8, 2015 at 7:06
  • $\begingroup$ okay - I was afraid I messed it up, you never really see Pi as part of a name $\endgroup$
    – Jason B.
    Oct 8, 2015 at 7:07
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I still have something wrong, when I enter OP's first two commands, it tells me that sol[[4,2,1]] doesn't exist, it finds a single solution $\endgroup$
    – Jason B.
    Oct 8, 2015 at 7:10

2 Answers 2


I see, you have stated, that all variables are real (some are also positive, but still real). Therefore, ComplexExpand[expr] is equivalent to your expression.

1/3 (E^(-1 + (2 b Log[(Fπ^4 alpha[3]^2)/(16 lamda^6)])/(
   3 (-1 + b))))^(
 3/4) lamda^3 (-3 (-1 + b) (1 + 
      Log[E^(-1 + (2 b Log[(Fπ^4 alpha[3]^2)/(16 lamda^6)])/(
        3 (-1 + b)))]) + 2 b Log[(Fπ^4 alpha[3]^2)/(16 lamda^6)]);


(* 0 *)
  • $\begingroup$ ComplexExpand[expr] works and results in 0 in version, but in version, it doesn't yield zero. $\endgroup$
    – Kheeyal
    Oct 9, 2015 at 12:54

Like Jason B in a Comment, I noticed that

eq1 = (-(-1 + b) (hz^3 + hz^3 Log[hz^4/lamda^4]) + 
        2/3 b hz^3 Log[((Fπ)^4 alpha[3]^2)/(16 lamda^6)])
sol = Solve[eq1 == 0, hz]

yields only one solution,

(* {{hz -> E^((3 - 3 b - 8 b Log[2] + 8 b Log[Fπ] - 12 Log[lamda] + 
            4 b Log[alpha[3]])/(12 (-1 + b)))}} *)

Hence, sol[[4, 1, 2]] does not exist. (Perhaps, the OP used an older version of Mathematica. I have "10.2.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (July 7, 2015)".) With the result above,

eq2 = eq1 /. sol[[1, 1]];
FullSimplify[eq2, lamda > 0 && alpha[3] > 0 && Fπ > 0 && b ∈ Reals]

runs at least 30 minutes without returning an answer. Further,


provides no simplification. Instead, I used

cf[e_] := 100 Count[e, _Log, {0, Infinity}] + LeafCount[e];
FullSimplify[eq2, lamda > 0 && alpha[3] > 0 && Fπ > 0 && b ∈ Reals, 
    ComplexityFunction -> cf];
FullSimplify[% /. z1_ Log[z2_] :> Log[PowerExpand[z2^z1]], 
    lamda > 0 && alpha[3] > 0 && Fπ > 0 && b ∈ Reals]
(* 0 *)

Evidently, FullSimplify has difficulty simplifying sums of Log with complicated arguments.


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