
For example, say I have $y'' + \lambda y = 0$ and the endpoint conditions are $y'(0) = 0$ and $y'(\pi) = 0$.

How can I find the values for $\lambda$ that for which there is a non-trivial ($y\neq0$) solution using Mathematica?


3 Answers 3


The solution gives

de = y''[x] + lam y[x] == 0;
sol = y[x] /. First@DSolve[{ode}, y[x], x]

Mathematica graphics

Taking derivative and applying boundary conditions gives

yd = D[sol, x];
eq1 = (yd /. x -> 0) == 0

Mathematica graphics

eq2 = (yd /. x -> Pi) == 0

Mathematica graphics

From first equation, only choice is C[2]=0 hence the second equation becomes

eq3 = eq2 /. C[2] -> 0

Mathematica graphics

And now for C[1] not to be zero (else trivial solution) then either $\lambda=0$ or $\sin(\sqrt{\lambda} \pi)=0$. We do not want $\lambda=0$ so the only choice left is $\sin(\sqrt{\lambda} \pi)=0$ which happens when $\sqrt{\lambda} \pi=n \pi$ for integer $n$.

So Mathematica choose $n=0$ and hence $\sqrt{\lambda} \pi=0$ which means $\lambda=0$ but this is not possible, so only choice is C[1] is zero. Hence the trivial solution.

To force $n$ to be something other than zero,

 Assuming[Element[n, Integers] && n != 0 && (Sqrt[lam] Pi) == n Pi, 
      Solve[{eq1, eq2}, {C[1], C[2]}, Reals]]

Mathematica graphics

So there are the conditions

update: I should say, if I was doing this by hand, I will just write at the end above that $\sqrt{\lambda} \pi = m \pi$ for $m \neq 0$ and $m$ integers. Hence just say that $\lambda=m^2$. This does give the same conditions as well as above:

Assuming[Element[n, Integers] && n != 0 && lam == n^2, 
  Solve[{eq1, eq2}, {C[1], C[2]}, Reals]]

Mathematica graphics

The bottom line, is that Mathematica gave trivial solution, since it saw Sin[x]==0 and just said x=0

sol = y[x] /. First@DSolve[{y''[x] + lam y[x] == 0, y'[0] == 0}, y[x], x]
sol2 = Solve[(D[sol, x] /. x -> Pi ) == 0 && lam != 0 && C[1] != 0, lam, Reals]
FindSequenceFunction@ Most[Union @@ Table[lam /. sol2 /. C[2] -> x, {x, 0, 20}]]

C[1] Cos[Sqrt[lam] x]

{{lam -> ConditionalExpression[4 C[2]^2, C[2] ∈ Integers && C[2] >= 1]}, 
 {lam -> ConditionalExpression[1 + 4 C[2] + 4 C[2]^2, C[2] ∈ Integers && C[2] >= 0]}}

#1^2 &


So lam must be a squared integer.


I suppose the proper formulation of the problem, assuming C[1] == C[2] == 0 corresponds to the trivial solution, is

Exists[{C[1], C[2]}, bcs && (C[2] != 0 || C[1] != 0) /. gensol]

where bcs are the boundary conditions and gensol is the general solution.

The OP's case:

gensol = First@DSolve[y''[x] + λ y[x] == 0, y, x];
bcs = y'[0] == 0 && y'[π] == 0;

Resolve[Exists[{C[1], C[2]}, bcs && (C[2] != 0 || C[1] != 0) /. gensol], Reals]
Solve[Simplify[%], λ]
λ == 0 || λ == 0 || λ == 0 || λ == 0 ||
 (C[3] ∈ Integers && C[3] >= 0 && λ == 1 + 4 C[3] + 4 C[3]^2) ||
 (C[3] ∈ Integers && C[3] >= 1 && λ == 4 C[3]^2)

{{λ -> ConditionalExpression[4 C[3]^2, 
    C[3] ∈ Integers && C[3] >= 1]},
 {λ -> ConditionalExpression[1 + 4 C[3] + 4 C[3]^2, 
    C[3] ∈ Integers && C[3] >= 0]},
 {λ -> 0}}

I can't get Mathematica to combine the odd and even nonnegative integers into a single solution. One could resort to belisarius's method of using FindSequenceFunction, which works in the OP's case.


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