
I have a file let's say 1.txt having numbers like:

fgdgfdg     fhdfdh
0.000105533 1.00E-04
0.222281    1.00E-04
0.444456    1.00E-04
0.666631    1.00E-04
asdas       ddfdsfsd
0.111193    0.166733
0.333369    0.166733
sadsd       dfffsas
0.777719    0.166733

I want to delete all this unknown string during the import process. It would be great help if you can provide me some solutions. I have tried various commands like delete, replace, cases but it doesnt work .... thanks

  • $\begingroup$ What exactly do you want to delete? all strings in the txt file while importing all numbers? $\endgroup$
    – g3kk0
    Jul 28, 2013 at 21:10

2 Answers 2


As g3kk0 showed Mathematica can easily read this data with Import.

I saved the data to a file named TableWithText.txt and placed it in the path given by Directory[] (which itself can be set with SetDirectory.)

data = Import["TableWithText.txt", "Table"]
{{"fgdgfdg", "fhdfdh"}, {0.000105533, 0.0001}, {0.222281, 0.0001}, {0.444456, 
  0.0001}, {0.666631, 0.0001}, {"asdas", "ddfdsfsd"}, {0.111193, 0.166733}, {0.333369, 
  0.166733}, {"sadsd", "dfffsas"}, {0.777719, 0.166733}}

From there you can strip the individual Strings with:

DeleteCases[data, _String, {-1}]
{{}, {0.000105533, 0.0001}, {0.222281, 0.0001}, {0.444456, 0.0001}, {0.666631, 
  0.0001}, {}, {0.111193, 0.166733}, {0.333369, 0.166733}, {}, {0.777719, 0.166733}}

Or entire rows that are composed solely of Strings:

DeleteCases[data, {__String}, {-2}]
{{0.000105533, 0.0001}, {0.222281, 0.0001}, {0.444456, 0.0001}, {0.666631, 
  0.0001}, {0.111193, 0.166733}, {0.333369, 0.166733}, {0.777719, 0.166733}}

Assuming your .txt file looks like the following:

enter image description here

you can use the Import function of Mathematica with the option "Data" to import your data into the list representation:

path="...\\..."; (*path to .txt file*)
data=Import[path, "Data"]
 {{"fgdgfdg", "fhdfdh"}, {0.000105533, 0.0001}, {0.222281, 
 0.0001}, {0.444456, 0.0001}, {0.666631, 0.0001}, {"asdas", 
 "ddfdsfsd"}, {0.111193, 0.166733}, {0.333369, 0.166733}, {"sadsd", 
 "dfffsas"}, {0.777719, 0.166733}}

Now you can select for specific entries. Assuming that you want to keep all entries in a one-dimensional list, I first flatten the data (Flatten) and then use the Select function to select for elements that are numeric:

Select[Flatten[data], NumberQ[#] &]
{0.000105533, 0.0001, 0.222281, 0.0001, 0.444456, 0.0001, 0.666631,
0.0001, 0.111193, 0.166733, 0.333369, 0.166733, 0.777719, 0.166733}

Or using Cases:

Cases[Flatten@data, _Real]
{0.000105533, 0.0001, 0.222281, 0.0001, 0.444456, 0.0001, 0.666631,
0.0001, 0.111193, 0.166733, 0.333369, 0.166733, 0.777719, 0.166733}

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