
I want to use Solve[] inside a Module. If I make the variables solved for local to the module, they are treated differently than if I leave them global. For example,

SolveIt[a_, b_] := Module[{x, soln},
   soln = Solve[a x + b == 0, {x}];
SolveIt[3, 4]


{{x$1342 -> -(4/3)}}

If I leave x global, the function returns

{{x -> -(4/3)}}

But if that global x has a value, the Solve[] function says that x is not a valid variable.

Could someone please (a) explain what's going on, and (b) suggest best practice for using Solve[] and similar functions within a module. Thanks!

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Maybe you can consider using a formal variable? Those are guaranteed to never have anything assigned to them… $\endgroup$ Jul 8, 2016 at 12:22
  • $\begingroup$ @J.M. Mma formal variables are new to me. I will have to study to see how to use them in this context. Thanks! $\endgroup$ Jul 8, 2016 at 13:15
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Just to start you off: SolveIt[a_, b_] := \[FormalX] /. Solve[a \[FormalX] + b == 0, \[FormalX]]. (It looks gnarly on SE, but should paste fine into Mathematica.) $\endgroup$ Jul 8, 2016 at 13:17
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The problem is that if x has a value, it will evaluate immediately in an expression such as x -> 1. There is just no good way to return something containing x if x has a value. Do you really need to return x from the function (as part of a larger expression)? Or is it sufficient to return the solution as a number, i.e. return val instead of x -> val? $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Jul 8, 2016 at 21:19

2 Answers 2


Do you really need to return x from your function (even as part of a larger expression)? There is simply no good way to do this if x has a global value, as x = 1; x -> 2 immediately evaluates to 1 -> 2.

You could return the solution value only (val instead of x -> val):

SolveIt[a_, b_] :=
  Module[{x, soln},
   soln = Solve[a x + b == 0, {x}];
   x /. soln

SolveIt[3, 4]
(* {-(4/3)} *)

Using formal variable were mentioned. These have the advantage that they are Protected, therefore they are guaranteed not to have an assigned value. So you might consider

SolveIt[a_, b_] := \[FormalX] /. Solve[a \[FormalX] + b == 0, \[FormalX]]

SolveIt[3, 4]
(* {-(4/3)} *)

(Note: you can type \[FormalX] using ESC $x ESC.)

But there is a big problem with this. This works fine:

SolveIt[a, 1]
(* {-(1/a)} *)

But what about this one?

SolveIt[\[FormalX], 1]
(* {-I, I} *)

We passed a symbol into the function, and that symbol happened to be already in use internally ... so we're solving the equation x^2 + 1 == 0 now (compare to a x + 1 ==0 before).

The same problem appears with Block:

SolveIt[a_, b_] :=
  Block[{x, soln},
   soln = Solve[a x + b == 0, {x}];
   x /. soln

SolveIt[y, 1]
(* {-(1/y)} *)

SolveIt[x, 1]
(* {-I, I} *)

Thus it is important to use Module (and not Block or a formal variable) if you want to make it possible to pass symbols into the function. If you only pass in numbers, this is not a problem, but then you may consider defining the function as SolveIt[a_?NumericQ, b_?NumericQ].

In case you are not certain about the difference between Module and Block, see here:

In short, both localize variables, but Module does this by renaming them to a unique name (so that x becomes something like x$123) while Block just temporarily removed any definitions that may be associated with x (but x is still the same symbol as before). Module emulates lexical scoping and Block does dynamic scoping.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you! Indeed, "it [is] sufficient to return the solution as a number." $\endgroup$ Jul 8, 2016 at 22:13

As explained in Mathematica help, "Module creates a symbol with name xxx\$nnn to represent a local variable with name xxx. The number nnn is the current value of $ModuleNumber." This variable is not renamed after the module has completed.

If instead the variable x refers to a global variable which already has a value (e.g. x=3), the x in Solve[eqn,x] will be evaluated, so that it becomes Solve[eqn,3] (leading to the message Solve::ivar: 3 is not a valid variable.

@J.M. suggests the use of formal variables which (I think) are intended for precisely this sort of use case.

SolveIt[a_, b_] := Solve[a \[FormalX] + b == 0, \[FormalX]]]

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