
In Wolfram Mathematica 10 (Windows paltform),the menu bar and files are combined together.When I narrow the window,it will become ugly shown as below!

enter image description here

So my question is:

Is it possible recover the style of the previous version(V8,V9),

or is it possible to construct a software interface like other software(All files embedded below the menu bar and the main working windows has the normal size like Microsoft Word).

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Closely related: (54599) $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Aug 19, 2014 at 7:45

1 Answer 1


Since in nearly a year nobody has offered a better answer I'll share all I can think to post.

You can remove the menu bar from a window by deleting the "MenuBar" item from the WindowElements Option for the Notebook, which can be done by evaluating:

  WindowElements -> {"StatusArea", "MemoryMonitor", "MagnificationPopUp", 
   "HorizontalScrollBar", "VerticalScrollBar"}]

That produces a Notebook like this:

enter image description here

The problem is that you lose access to the menu so you would need to restore it before using menu item. You could do that by evaluating:

  WindowElements -> {"StatusArea", "MemoryMonitor", "MagnificationPopUp", 
   "HorizontalScrollBar", "VerticalScrollBar", "MenuBar"}]

For convenience these two commands could be put in Buttons or a Palette:

   Button["Hide Menu Bar", 
     WindowElements -> {"StatusArea", "MemoryMonitor", "MagnificationPopUp", 
       "HorizontalScrollBar", "VerticalScrollBar"}]],
   Button["Show Menu Bar", 
     WindowElements -> {"StatusArea", "MemoryMonitor", "MagnificationPopUp", 
       "HorizontalScrollBar", "VerticalScrollBar", "MenuBar"}]]
}] // CreatePalette

enter image description here


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