
Can someone please explain to me the logic of this:

In one cell, when writing

eq = D[y[x], x] + a*y[x] - b*Sin[c*x];
sol = DSolve[eq == 0, y[x], x];

I see only the result of OutputForm:

Mathematica graphics

But in separate cells, then I see both outputs

Mathematica graphics

ps. I was trying to find how to remove the "\" at the end of the OutputForm compared to TeXForm output, and that is why I am doing the above, to compare the outputs.

This happens on both V9 and 10. Should not both output show up, even if in the same cell?


1 Answer 1


It seems like OutputForm always is the first output one gets and all previous Out[..] are removed if they are equal. Here equal means that Out[1]==Out[2], and not necessarily that Out[1]/TeXForm==Out[2]/OutputForm.

You can change the order to:

eq = D[y[x], x] + a*y[x] - b*Sin[c*x];
sol = DSolve[eq == 0, y[x], x];

\left{\left{y(x)\to \frac{b (a \sin (c x)-c \cos (c x))}{a^2+c^2}+c_1 e^{-a x}\right}\right}

\left{\left{y(x)\to \frac{b (a \sin (c x)-c \cos (c x))}{a^2+c^2}+c_1 e^{-a x}\right}\right}

Your "\" at the end of the OutputForm is just a linebreak. It will be removed, if you make Mma window wider.


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