I have a list of all non-cyclic permutations of n labels. How can I get rid of all elements which are redundant in the sense that they are the inverse of another one. For instance if n=4, the elements {1,2,3,4} and {1,4,3,2} are related by reversal and right rotation by one element. So I want to discard the latter.
DeleteDuplicates[ Permutations[Range[4]], #1 == InversePermutation[#2] &]
? $\endgroup$InversePermutation[]
only works onCycle[]
objects... $\endgroup$reversion and right rotation
is quite unrelated. $\endgroup$Cycle[]
objects with the associated permutation lists in all the examples in docs, or checkingPermutationProduct[#, InversePermutation[#]]&
with cycles and/or lists as input. $\endgroup$