I would like to plot the error bars of ErrorListPlot
with a different style than the points. I know of ErrorBarFunction
, but then I have to recreate the automatic ErrorBarFunction
Here is my current butt ugly hack (I draw the plot twice):
data = Table[{x, f[x], RandomReal[]}, {f, {Exp[2 #] &, Exp}}, {x, -5, 2, 0.2}];
PlotStyle -> Directive[Thick, PointSize -> 0., [email protected]],
ImageSize -> Large],
ListPlot[data[[All, All, {1, 2}]],
PlotStyle -> Directive[Thick, PointSize -> 0.015],
ImageSize -> Large]
What is a more elegant way of doing this?
Something like:
PlotStyle -> Directive[Thick, PointSize -> 0., [email protected]],
ImageSize -> Large,
ErrorBarFunction -> {[email protected],Automatic}]